Israel under attack

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That young woman being taken away in a motorcycle begging for her life and the anguish from her distraught father breaks me up. As a father, I don’t know what I would do. That would be every fathers worst, worst nightmare. Those that would do that are cowards of the worse kind. If it was my daughter, I’d prefer that they had killed her as you just know what’s going to happen to her before they eventually do kill her. I couldn’t get that image out of my head when trying to sleep last night. :cry::cry:
and that poor half german young woman being paraded around Gazza naked!

I hope the Israelis Raise the place to the ground- wipe it completely off the map. How horrible for them to be neighbouring that lot.
and that poor half german young woman being paraded around Gazza naked!

I hope the Israelis Raise the place to the ground- wipe it completely off the map. How horrible for them to be neighbouring that lot.
You think a war crime, such as ethnic cleansing, is justifiable? That's why the Holocaust, and other such atrocities, needs to be remembered.
A war crime, such as you have suggested, is never justifiable.
and that poor half german young woman being paraded around Gazza naked!

I hope the Israelis Raise the place to the ground- wipe it completely off the map. How horrible for them to be neighbouring that lot.
Genocide: the Final Solution to a insoluble problem.

Ironically, Ultra-Orthodox Jews would agree with you: Torah! Torah! Torah! @ the Guardian
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No more so than the IDF pilots and soldiers who target multi storey apartment blocks housing families, without warning, or shooting little boys for throwing stones.
And Israel prevents any outside investigation, and controls all the reporting.

Israel describes their response as retalliatory strikes, which means destroying homes, killing families, inundating hospitals that survive without power.
This war is the result of the displacement of the Palestinian nation from its homeland, and continued oppression of those people by the occupier.

It's like the biblical David and Goliath, only this time Goliath wins, and his people are oppressed for evermore, even ethnically cleansed from their land.

Pure rubbish...

Israel warned them that they were going to strike. They didnt just fire thousands of rockets indiscriminately. They didnt go in and abduct hundreds of Palestinians.

Get real.

Hamas are terrorist, murdering scumbags. Total cowards.
I would give them time to leave first - I wouldn't want to kill them, far too many inocent people caught up. But they would need to find somewhere else to live (hopefully not the UK but know doubt the rnli taxi service would be welcoming Hamas)
Genocide: the Final Solution to a insoluble problem.
What if the genocider too meek or their vaunted ability to genocide is only a narrative? If they act on their unfounded belief, surely they will get genocided in reverse?
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I find it deeply troubling that many jews consider Israel to be their homeland.

An Israel that has no borders, it is the whole of this world.
I would give them time to leave first - I wouldn't want to kill them, far too many inocent people caught up. But they would need to find somewhere else to live (hopefully not the UK but know doubt the rnli taxi service would be welcoming Hamas)
Yeah, Netanyahoo has told Gazans to leave the strip before the IDF goes on a rampage - but answer me this; where can they go?
No more so than the IDF pilots and soldiers who target multi storey apartment blocks housing families, without warning, or shooting little boys for throwing stones.
And Israel prevents any outside investigation, and controls all the reporting.

Israel describes their response as retalliatory strikes, which means destroying homes, killing families, inundating hospitals that survive without power.
This war is the result of the displacement of the Palestinian nation from its homeland, and continued oppression of those people by the occupier.

It's like the biblical David and Goliath, only this time Goliath wins, and his people are oppressed for evermore, even ethnically cleansed from their land.

Your talking Crap Roy. Innocent people are killed in war, its not nice.

The Israelis would never take young girls and parade them naked in front of cheering crowds.

Granted Israel have killed innocent people including children. The allies would have killed the very people they were trying to liberate during the DDay landings.
The British would have killed many children on the air raids that flattened German city's.

War is horrible but Hamas are beyond excusing they deliberately targeted innocent human beings.
I hope the Israelis Raise the place to the ground- wipe it completely off the map. How horrible for them to be neighbouring that lot.
Ironically there is a word for that...


Which means you suggest that Israel mimics Nazi Germany...

Your stupidity is beyond astounding!
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