Israel under attack

Never said you did

Should the west take some sort of military action against Israel ??

Should the west align itself with Hamas

There leader has said they are on the verge of historic victory ????

And will
Not recognise the right of Israel to exist

They should just go ( his words)

They apparently have 35000 fighters in Gaza waiting for Israelis

Tells the Israelis to
Basically bring it on

BBC radio interview

IMO, the west / UN / US etc should encourage peace.
We should have been more outspoken against Israel's expansion, and methods, in recent years. We literally turned a blind eye to one injustice to criticise another.
But probably too late now. So now, no idea.
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The mad mullers are supporters of Hamas

But have they got a direct link to the attack ? Did the mad mullers organise it ?

Give it the green light ??

What if a smoking gun is found ??
Direct link to the mad mullers ?

If there is we May as well deal with these fruit cakes ? As we will have to eventually

Best the mad mullers check there Geneva bank accounts see if there latest deposit is there ??
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To be fair on this point, historically they have inhabited the land of Israel.
Yes, if you're going back that far.
In which case it's fair to say that these two nations have been at war for at least the last 3,00 years, and probably much longer than that.

The UN could post a peace keeping force, but Israel and western nations wouldn't agree to it.
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Your talking Crap Roy. Innocent people are killed in war, its not nice.

The Israelis would never take young girls and parade them naked in front of cheering crowds.

Granted Israel have killed innocent people including children. The allies would have killed the very people they were trying to liberate during the DDay landings.
The British would have killed many children on the air raids that flattened German city's.

War is horrible but Hamas are beyond excusing they deliberately targeted innocent human beings.
You were only out there a couple of months ago Bod. Lucky you aren't out there now - is any if the trouble where you were?
Don't be silly Noseal they can go to Iran who are funding and training the Hamas terrorists. Like bugs in a bed.
OK never mind. Bod is 13 years old computer game player. You can't expect him to say anything useful.
I think Bod has been to Israel, so he has more skin in the game than the rest of us.

Perhaps you should listen to what he has to say
People who think they can wipe others out is suicidal. Israel is up against 1 billion muslins, both sunnis and shias. Your perceived power over those people is only temporary. It is best to not go to extremes because it can backfire.
Whatever Israel is up against, it keeps beating them.

just like Ukraine will beat Putin
I dare say the Hanas top leaders are not even in Gaza :giggle:

Probably in some luxury hotels in Lebanon or Tehran

They don’t care about those ordinary folk in Gaza

To busy counting there cash or working out how to embezzle yet more aid funds
I think Bod has been to Israel, so he has more skin in the game than the rest of us.

Perhaps you should listen to what he has to say
Just because someone has visited a country doesn't mean they have skin in the game.
I've recently visited the far east, but I don't yet have any skin in the game.
If you meant more familiar, that might apply, but you'd have to spend mora than a forthight in only one of the countries to have a better overview of the situation.
And I would suggest that the average well-read person would still probably have a better overview.
I dare say the Hanas top leaders are not even in Gaza :giggle:

Probably in some luxury hotels in Lebanon or Tehran

They don’t care about those ordinary folk in Gaza

Probably the same for the Israeli top brass.
Easy way for the top brass on each side to maintain the style to which they have become accustomed.

Best not give the plebs a chance to see that living peacefully, side by side, is realistic.
Stir some shoite up, and stay at the trough (y)
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