Israel under attack

I heard that Iran had direct involvement in the planning of these attacks.
I heard they didn't. :rolleyes:
And if you did hear it, where from, the Washington Post. They're a useful independent source. :rolleyes:
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Some in here have constantly gone on about brexit votors taking responsability for there vote / actions

Perhaps it’s time for those in Gaza to take responsability for voting in Hamas ;) ????
Whatever Israel is up against, it keeps beating them.

just like Ukraine will beat Putin
That isn't the best route to peace. The best route to peace is to stop the violence, and talk.

If one side is so obviously superior, they shouldn't exploit that superiority to oppress even more.
Probably the same for the Israeli top brass.
Easy way for the top brass on each side to maintain the style to which they have become accustomed.

Best not give the plebs a chance to see that living peacefully, side by side, is realistic.
Stir some shoite up, and stay at the trough (y)

Unlikely for the Israeli top brass

Def for hamas though ( Mossad )
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Some in here have constantly gone on about brexit votors taking responsability for there vote / actions

Perhaps it’s time for those in Gaza to take responsability for voting in Hamas ;) ????
And the Israelis for voting for a right wing government.
and that poor half german young woman being paraded around Gazza naked!

I hope the Israelis Raise the place to the ground- wipe it completely off the map. How horrible for them to be neighbouring that lot.
Israel is an artifical white European state built on the ruins of a non European,non white state.
The inhabitants of this state have no history in the region and no future.
If they want peace they should consider going back to their country of origin.
Ever since they flooded into Palestine from Europe there has been no peace and there never will be.
The people of Palestine never consented to the mass immigration inflicted on them by Europeans .
Israel is a bit like one of those old crusader States which could only exist through violence, this state will go the same way, because, at the end of the day they are an alien culture in someone else's land.
Israel is an artifical white European state built on the ruins of a non European,non white state.
The inhabitants of this state have no history in the region and no future.
If they want peace they should consider going back to their country of origin.
Ever since they flooded into Palestine from Europe there has been no peace and there never will be.
The people of Palestine never consented to the mass immigration inflicted on them by Europeans .
Israel is a bit like one of those old crusader States which could only exist through violence, this state will go the same way, because, at the end of the day they are an alien culture in someone else's land.

I recall some Israeli king from way back

Solomon ? Than there was that Herod bloke ?
You were only out there a couple of months ago Bod. Lucky you aren't out there now - is any if the trouble where

I was there in July with my daughter for a wedding.

This picture is of the bride and groom and freinds.
Avshalom Peretz who was at the rave with his girlfriend was hit in his car with a missile, both where killed.

Choked me up a bit. My Bonnie got upset when I told her.
At least the Israelis got to vote, unlike in Gaza
In 2006, Hamas won the 2006 Palestinian legislative elections and assumed administrative control of Gaza Strip and West Bank.

Since then Gaza has been under Israeli military control.
The International Committee of the Red Cross considers the blockade illegal and says it violates the Geneva Convention, a charge Israeli officials deny. The U.N., various human rights groups and legal scholars, citing the blockade, consider Gaza to still be under military occupation by Israel.
I recall some Israeli king from way back

Solomon ? Than there was that Herod bloke ?
That's in the bible I believe.
The majority of modern "Israelis" are of white European origin , they have very little connection historically with the region.
I have genuine sympathy for any innocent Israeli or Palestinian for that matter, but more violence will only cause more suffering for everyone.
The Israeli will win this battle but they won't win the war because they are surrounded by millions of people who hate them , it will just go on and on.
Israel is an artifical white European state built on the ruins of a non European,non white state.
The inhabitants of this state have no history in the region and no future.
If they want peace they should consider going back to their country of origin.
Ever since they flooded into Palestine from Europe there has been no peace and there never will be.
The people of Palestine never consented to the mass immigration inflicted on them by Europeans .
Israel is a bit like one of those old crusader States which could only exist through violence, this state will go the same way, because, at the end of the day they are an alien culture in someone else's land.

Not all Jews are European.
Yael. My friends wife is originally from the Yemen . Lots if dark skinned Israelis live in Israel.
Somehow I don't think they were much like the Israelis of today.

What about that David and Goliath caper ?

And Solomon knocking off sheba ?

I watched the film :cool:

Blimey was it all fiction o_O
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