Israel under attack

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Is that any differnt to killing the whole neighbourhood with missiles?
Or sending text messages to grannies you've got 30 seconds to vacate your apartment. But their phone is dead.
And even if they have time to reach the ground floor, the building will still land on top of you.

They target buildings being used to store weapons or house Hamas leaders so they are legitimate military targets. The Israelis carried out extensive intelligence to obtain phone numbers of residents so they could be contacted.
It's not 30 seconds by the way, it's 5 minutes, this is the message they're given.

“How are you? Is everything okay? This is the Israeli military. We need to bomb your home and we are making every effort to minimize casualties. Please make sure that no one is nearby since in five minutes we will attack.”

To allow for anyone without a phone, they also 'knock on the roof', ie, fire a very small rocket onto the roof to alert people of what's coming.

These techniques were deployed by the IDF to minimise civilian casualties and as far as I'm aware, it's not been replicated anywhere else in the world.

The civilian to military death ratio during Saturdays invasion by Hamas is about 90% civilian to 10% military, almost unprecedented, and nobody received a courtesy call to warn them.

Anyway, 30 seconds, where did you get that bollux from?
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The beheading was reported / mentioned on the BBC

It was ref a group of journalists taken to the site of a massacre

The journalist ( from the I) said they were told about beheadings but she did not see or witness
Any such beheaded victim

She did witness dead children / infants
So she said
Is the method of killing the crux of the propaganda?
What's worse, slitting baby's throats, beheading them, or killing them and their families, their neighbours, and the whole neighbourhood with so called precision missiles and white phosphorus?
Using white phosphorus bombs is a war crime.
You mean were they executed? No.
Regardless, it would not change the pain and suffering or the evilness or horror of what they did. Fruitcakes and mad mullahs, the lot of 'em.

No i
Mean was he not jailed ?? But released early

Some thing like that afai recall ??
My bad typing. I had to rush and didn't have time to proof read my comment before posting it.
I've gone back and corrected it.
Perhaps you could explain to gnat how to do that.
What does gnat mean?
They target buildings being used to store weapons or house Hamas leaders so they are legitimate military targets. The Israelis carried out extensive intelligence to obtain phone numbers of residents so they could be contacted.
It's not 30 seconds by the way, it's 5 minutes, this is the message they're given.
Have you seem an ariel photograph of Gaza. Try finding somehwere to locate a military piece of equipment that is not near civilians. It's physically not possible.
I posted an ariel photos yesterday for Bod.
I'll look it up and repost it.

As for phoning up gazeans and warning them, what if the recipient is not at home, or if the phone is out of battery, or the phone is with someone out of the house and they can't get back quick enough to evacuate the rest of the household?
So please don't claim it's OK to kill someeone because they were warned.
As for the timing, there are plenty of versions of how much time is given.
Here's a version of the warning given by Hamas to the citizens of Ashkelon.
  • Hamas launched an attack on the Israeli city of Ashkelon after giving civilians a 90-minute warning to leave
Warnings are pointless, they'll probably encourage the residents to run in, if they're outside, to rescue something or someone.
Neither does a warning absolve Israel from respecting the International Laws, like not targetting civilians.

Israel is now using a prohibited weapon, white phosphorus. So they're committing a war crime, not to mention the collective revenge they're heaping on the Gazeans.
Then there's the depriving them of food, water, and fuel, not to mention the destruction of schools, refugee camps, etc.
And you claim they're warning them before killing them and destroying their houses.

Any claim that the Israelis are fighting with restraint is uttlery ridiculous.
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Blooms idea of forum etiquette.
In other words propagate a lie.
No surprise there then, it's what you do lie and twist the truth.
The stuck pig is back trying and failing miserably to get himself out of the sh*t of his own making.
The question is Bloom, did you post under the name of Roguehangar back in 2014?

Basically what your saying is your full of sh*t

Quick bloomers someone's had a pop at you on another thread, go sort em boy.

A lie.
He said he wouldn't be surprised.

Not the same thing is it Bloom the twister of the written word.
The mad mullers lackies in the Lebanon Hezbollah are poking there noses in

Several casualties ? On the border ?
I slip up and I'm a racist. You also slip up.
You could go back to it, and correct it, but you don't want to.
What do you think that means?

Of course I slipped up, I made a typing mistake, which resulted in one word not being spelt correctly. (actully there was two, but you didn't notice the other one)
I admitted it, I went back and corrected it. What does that make me?
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