Israeli plan to spread disease in Gaza is successful. Now Polio.

They are clearly there for you to answer. It not my problem is you can't see.
So you'll have no problem in pointing them out to me. :rolleyes:
However as your multiple identities struggle with comprehension I will list it for you. (can't admit it then)
List it? List what?
You're talking in riddles. You can't point out these unanswered questions, but you can list 'it', whatever 'it' is. :rolleyes:
As Hamas a Palestinian army rape and sexual torture both women and men do they now carry rainbow flags?
Is that a new question because I don't see it asked anywhere prior to this post? :rolleyes:

But I wouldn't have thought so. Homosexuality is not allowed in Islam, so I'm told by many on here.
So any Hamas operatives dallying in homosexuality would be committing a cardinal sin.

And any Palestinian carrying any kind of flag risks being shot at by IDF snipers, and killed.
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Himy you are just being a troll the questions are clear you just are avoiding answering.
Himy you are just being a troll the questions are clear you just are avoiding answering.
I don't know of any unanswered questions that you have put to me.
It doesn't matter how many times you accuse me of not answering your questions if you don't or won't point them out to me. :rolleyes:
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Trouble is, the site owners like trolls. Trolls means loads of post traffic from the troll and those they are trolling. Site traffic helps revenue.
Trouble is, the site owners like trolls. Trolls means loads of post traffic from the troll and those they are trolling. Site traffic helps revenue.
But you've just claimed I keep getting banned.
Now you're saying, as a troll, I'm welcomed.
Best get some training in for all this back-pedalling you're doing. :ROFLMAO:
You’re welcome up to a point. It’s when you start getting all ranty about racial issues and you go too far, you’re booted out.
Himy the question you keep avoiding to answer is clear just for your clarity here it is again

As Hamas a Palestinian army rape and sexual torture both women and men do they now carry rainbow flags?
You’re welcome up to a point. It’s when you start getting all ranty about racial issues and you go too far, you’re booted out.
I'm booted out for addressing your racist nonsense?
That's not a good look. :oops:
Himy the question you keep avoiding to answer is clear just for your clarity here it is again
... do they now carry rainbow flags?
It's a loaded question. :rolleyes:
If I answer that question, i n its current form, I am inherently accepting your assertion.
As I don't accept your assertion, I dismiss your question without an answer.

But the bit about flags, I have already addressed:
And any Palestinian carrying any kind of flag risks being shot at by IDF snipers, and killed.
Out in front, a few paces ahead of the others, Hala was walking with her grandson, Tayem, then 4, holding hands as they navigated a street littered with debris, a white flag in his other hand. Seconds later, a shot rang out and Hala slumped to the ground. That unthinkable moment was captured on camera.
Dunno what himmy / doubt fire is saying can’t see his posts :giggle: But if any are for me

I have told you numerous times that you should consider getting yer other half a WM this is 2024

And this is the UK not dire ear a Stan woman are allowed to drive and sit in the front of cars ;)

And being gay in the UK is not illegal ;)
Dunno what himmy / doubt fire is saying can’t see his posts :giggle: But if any are for me

I have told you numerous times that you should consider getting yer other half a WM this is 2024

And this is the UK not dire ear a Stan woman are allowed to drive and sit in the front of cars ;)

And being gay in the UK is not illegal ;)
You profess to know a lot about someone whose posts you refuse to read. :rolleyes:
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