Still "sticking up" for Way-Har-Bee, I see....... Does he excite you in some sexual way ?
If you talk like a clown, walk like a clown, don't be surprised if someone addresses you as, "hey, clown!"
For the umpteenth time, a PCB may not be a computer, as in an animal may not be a horse, but a computer is basically a PCB or several PCBs, as in a horse is an animal.
Suppose we have computer controlled traffic lights. You cannot write a letter on the 'computer'. You cannot play tic tac toe on it.
But you can programme the set of traffic lights for timing, depending on day/time/traffic density, or you can set it to 'vehicle detection' mode during very quiet times. Or, with a bus lane, you might set the 'bus detection' active during busy times.
They are computer controlled, but there is no laptop/desktop/mainframe in sight. just a PCB with a microprocessor, and basic input/output devices.
Suppose we have a computer controlled production line, you cannot write a letter on the computer, you cannot play tic tac toe on it. It will be basically a PCB, or several PCBs with a processor, input/output devices, etc.
A processor is basically a miniature PCB.