Labour Conference

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Gant doesn’t have a clue what 15 minute cities are

15 minue cities like Brexit are the simple lies that capture their imagination.

It will curtail their freedom.

Hmm the lack of hospital beds, drs, schools, GP practices, Dentists, local services etc is not a loss of freedom.
Whys that I have no access to a search engine.
The topic has been discussed at length on here.

So you are chasing your own tail.

Why are you so gullible and fall for these lies?
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Calling 15 minute cities “ghettos” is a load of conspiracist cobblers….pushed by the children who dribble on about “globalists” and the “WEF”

for those who would like a grown up discussion here is an article about it, It might contain some long words so could be a bit complicated for some.

This is one of those topics where it will be interesting to see how it works out in practice rather than those gullible to believe what the glossy brochures tell them.
Multi culturism was the future at one time and look how that's turned out. "Tribes" living in their own part of the town/city.
Calling 15 minute cities “ghettos” is a load of conspiracist cobblers….pushed by the children who dribble on about “globalists” and the “WEF”

for those who would like a grown up discussion here is an article about it, It might contain some long words so could be a bit complicated for some.

Globalists are Bad.

But Large Corps are Good.

But aren't large corps Global?
Globalists are Bad.

But Large Corps are Good.

But aren't large corps Global?
Well done are the scales being lifted from your eyes. Look forward to the operation being complete. Could perhaps get into discussion without you having to resort to your fall back position of Boris and brexit.
Well done are the scales being lifted from your eyes. Look forward to the operation being complete. Could perhaps get into discussion without you having to resort to your fall back position of Boris and brexit.
Boris is a globalist so it's hard not to have him in a discussion about globalism.

I thought Brexit was about trading with the rest of the world ergo global.
It doesn't matter what it's for, it's all additional borrowing. We're not a good credit risk any more due to our massive debts, we need to be repaying debts, not borrowing more and definitely not increasing the additional amount we're borrowing.

I don't think most understand that governments can't just perpetually borrow more and more, it all will end very badly. Labour's announcements mean that this moment will probably be when they get elected.

Some of us aren't part of the red vs blue points scoring and can see through it all. It's all nonsense.

Sorry but until you realise that Government debt cannot be compared to private debt we are going nowhere.

Governments can print money and your above simplification leaves out debt created money from banks.

We live in a world of fiat money.
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