Legalising cannabis

Cannabis loses its effect over time, thus the temptation to move to harder drugs.
There is no real evidence that cannabis use leads to harder drugs...

But there is evidence that legal drugs lead to more usage...

Matthew Perry and Ketamine :rolleyes:
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Cannabis loses its effect over time, thus the temptation to move to harder drugs.

Great, let's double the problem.

By the way I am Teetotal, drunks are a plague on society.
You can drink and enjoy without becoming drunk.

Drinking to get drunk is a mindset, as is any other drug taking.

Making stuff illegal doesn't make it go away, usually just black market, out of control and into the hands of crime.

No fan of drugs of any sort, but there is an argument for legalisation, taxation, and control.
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Just the fact that dealers, deal in Cannabis up to Fentanyl, and all other drugs in-between, leads to easier access.
So legalising Cannabis, making 'specific premises' available will remove that potential link?
One would hope it would be tightly controlled, say through a pharmacist, thus no link.
If it's taxable, and only available to adults, or from licensed premises. why should it not be available at tobacconists, off-licences etc.?
Just the fact that dealers, deal in Cannabis up to Fentanyl, and all other drugs in-between, leads to easier access.
But that doesn't show evidence that a person who uses cannabis necessarily moves on to other drugs...

Better to regulate/control the content of the supply along with adequate education as to the downfalls...

Of course if you can show us how the 'war on drugs' is working (or has ever worked), then feel free to do so ;)
Of course if you can show us how the 'war on drugs' is working (or has ever worked), then feel free to do so ;)

Try El Salvador......

I've never taken cannabis in my life. As far as I'm concerned, those that overindulge can become paranoid etc. I've seen this first hand decades ago.

However, it's nothing short of farcical that cannabis is illegal, and yet every weekend the length and breadth of the country, many city/town centres are full of people drunk to varying degrees, some of them extremely so. And we have the wider drink culture that essentially laughs about it.
The 'war on drugs' was lost decades/centuries/millennia ago...

Better to take a more honest approach and realise that it's better to live with the facts rather than fight that unwinnable war!
It references post 53 by ellal...."a war on drugs".............Do keep up.
That doesn't answer my question:
Is that Cannabis? :rolleyes:
Or is just a picture of some stuff in parcels lying on the floor? :rolleyes:

In case you've forgotten the thread topic is about Cannabis. Do keep up. :giggle:
If whatever is in those parcels is not cannabis the picture is totally irrelevant.
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