Legalising cannabis

That doesn't answer my question:

Or is just a picture of some stuff in parcels lying on the floor? :rolleyes:

In case you've forgotten the thread topic is about Cannabis. Do keep up. :giggle:
If whatever is in those parcels is not cannabis the picture is totally irrelevant.

You need a better monitor, those parcels are people, here is a larger picture......

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You need a better monitor, those parcels are people, here is a larger picture......

View attachment 353565

So obviously not Cannabis. So where is the relevance of that picture to the topic of the thread?
What was the point of posting a picture of loads of prisoners?
The El Salvador government of the time were well known for their harsh treatment of any associates of any other criminal.
Many suspected gang members were arrested about the time of that photo, so how is it relevant to the legalisatiojn of Cannabis?

You're not wrong, I do need a better monitor, and I broke my glasses yesterday, so I'm reduced to an older pair.
From time to time I have to use the Ctrl and + to read what's on the screen.
So obviously not Cannabis. So where is the relevance of that picture to the topic of the thread?
What was the point of posting a picture of loads of prisoners?
The El Salvador government of the time were well known for their harsh treatment of any associates of any other criminal.
Many suspected gang members were arrested about the time of that photo, so how is it relevant to the legalisatiojn of Cannabis?

You're not wrong, I do need a better monitor, and I broke my glasses yesterday, so I'm reduced to an older pair.
From time to time I have to use the Ctrl and + to read what's on the screen.

Please read posts 53 and 54, perhaps you will see the relevance.

So you think a thread about Cannabis should not mention drugs, interesting.
Please read posts 53 and 54, perhaps you will see the relevance.

So you think a thread about Cannabis should not mention drugs, interesting.
Is there any indication that the photo you posted has any connection with drugs?
So far as I can tell, they're suspected gang members and associates of.
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But that doesn't show evidence that a person who uses cannabis necessarily moves on to other drugs...

Better to regulate/control the content of the supply along with adequate education as to the downfalls...

Of course if you can show us how the 'war on drugs' is working (or has ever worked), then feel free to do so ;)
To what does your photo refer? Are we supposed to guess what you intended to say?
Perhaps if, 17 posts later, you could explain the significance of your post? :rolleyes:
To what does your photo refer? Are we supposed to guess what you intended to say?
Perhaps if, 17 posts later, you could explain the significance of your post? :rolleyes:

Are you so lacking in knowledge that you know nothing of the massive crackdown on crime/drugs in El Salvador?
A little information for you.

Are you so lacking in knowledge that you know nothing of the massive crackdown on crime/drugs in El Salvador?
A little information for you.

You've invented the bit about drugs. It wasn't mentioned once in that video.

The word drugs was mentioned just once in the BBC article:
Others were forced to collaborate with the gangs - they acted as lookouts or hid guns or drugs for them out of fear for their lives, rights group point out.
Are you so lacking in knowledge that you know nothing of the massive crackdown on crime/drugs in El Salvador?
A little information for you.

That's not comparable to the UKs situation at all.

They had a homicide rate of 107 per 100,000, compared to ours of 1 per 100,000. It was arguably the most dangerous country on the planet. With a population similar to Yorkshire they've got almost as many people in prison as the entire UK.

Their war on gangs was/is pretty irrelevant to if Cannabis is dangerous or not.
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