Legalising cannabis

Drugs will never be eradicated, so if there’s better control on them, why not ?

Lets legalise knives, hand guns, assault rifles etc etc....better control will make things ok!!!
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Lets legalise knives, hand guns, assault rifles etc etc....better control will make things ok!!!
No, that's conflating things.

Knives, guns are legally controlled, apart from the criminals obviously. There is a market for the crime people to exploit. Removing that cannabis market removes a lot of the crime involved in its supply.

No law, or legal system has ever resulted in no crime or criminals, but it can and does reduce it.
Lets legalise knives, hand guns, assault rifles etc etc....better control will make things ok!!!
I understand what you’re saying, but certain US states are making it work.
Surprised and not surprised at the pro canabis lobby, younger generation seem to be taking drugs more than any generation before. The idea that all weed would be legalised is crazy, there's strong evidence that stronger stuff causes schizprhenia. The importers/dealers would make the illicit stuff more attractive, and crime levels would be maintained. I know the libertarian right wing thinks its a mater of personal choice, but far from legalising it, I would treat end users as criminals on the same basis as the middle men and importers. One of the daftest ideas I heard was from a senior police officer who thought it should be legalised to help with the crime figures, as if statistics drove the whole show.
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Surprised and not surprised at the pro canabis lobby, younger generation seem to be taking drugs more than any generation before. The idea that all weed would be legalised is crazy, there's strong eidence that stronger stuff causes schizprhenia. The importers/dealers would make the illicit stuff more attractive, and crime levels would be maintained. I know the libertarian right wing thinks its a mater of personal choice, but far from legalising it, I would treat end users as criminals on the same basis as the middle men and importers. One of the daftest ideas I heard was from a senior police officer who thought it should be legalised to help with the crime figures, as if statistics drove the whole show.

Where there is this evidence?
Where there is this evidence
I'm on an opinion forum not a medical science journal. Show me the evidence against and I'll review it and if necessary withdraw my comment. But to suggest there is no evidence that strongly confirms a relationship between the two is dangerous and /or thread extending.
Surprised and not surprised at the pro canabis lobby, younger generation seem to be taking drugs more than any generation before. The idea that all weed would be legalised is crazy, there's strong evidence that stronger stuff causes schizprhenia. The importers/dealers would make the illicit stuff more attractive, and crime levels would be maintained. I know the libertarian right wing thinks its a mater of personal choice, but far from legalising it, I would treat end users as criminals on the same basis as the middle men and importers. One of the daftest ideas I heard was from a senior police officer who thought it should be legalised to help with the crime figures, as if statistics drove the whole show.

I'm on an opinion forum not a medical science journal. Show me the evidence against and I'll review it and if necessary withdraw my comment. But to suggest there is no evidence that strongly confirms a relationship between the two is dangerous and /or thread extending.
You made the claim. The responsibility is on you to present that evidence, or admit that you're too lazy to look for it, it or doesn't exist.

You can't claim evidence exists, and expect others to disprove this secret evidence. :rolleyes:
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Some of the home grown weed is ridiculously strong, it’s not like a bit of resin from the early 90’s.
No, that's conflating things
It doesn't look like it to me.
The argument that because something can't be eradicated, it should legalised is flawed.
Paedophilia will never be eradicated, therefor according your argument, it should be legalised.
Murder will never be eradicated, therfore legalise it and the crime of murder will disappear.
It doesn't look like it to me.
The argument that because something can't be eradicated, it should legalised is flawed.
Paedophilia will never be eradicated, therefor according your argument, it should be legalised.
Murder will never be eradicated, therfore legalise it and the crime of murder will disappear.

Where do you stand on the US alcohol prohibition, which funded organised crime?
stronger stuff causes schizprhenia.

You'll recall that some strong liquors were thought to cause blindness and brain damage. In some countries, they were outlawed, and bars continued to sell other liquors that were not thought to cause blindness.

Do you think that was the wrong thing to do?

Or should the sale of all alcoholic liquors have been put into the hands of uncontrolled criminals?
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