Legalising cannabis

You're a hornsmoker / tory fag: we get it (y)
I am probably more of a socialist than you.
Don't make the mistake of confusing social conservatism with Toryism.

The Labour party of old had decent values, what has Starmer and his mob got to offer.
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Where do you stand on the US alcohol prohibition, which funded organised crime?
Alcohol was legal for centuries before prohibition, as such it was so ingrained in American culture that it was impossible to ban it completely.
As far as i know smoking cannabis doesn't have similar history in the UK, legalising it would make the practice more widespread along with the associated social problems it causes.
What are your views on the legalisation of opium for recreational use.
It worked out well for the last British government to get involved in drug dealing and not so well for its customers in China.
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The idea that all weed would be legalised is crazy, there's strong evidence that stronger stuff causes schizprhenia
There is for children, but not for adults.

Sadly criminals will sell to anyone with cash, if only there was a way to remove the market that buys from those criminals so it's harder for children to buy Cannabis of questionable quality....

Some people genuinely need it, take the Thc out and and it’s beneficial for lots of things.

The link between cannabis and stronger drugs isn’t as true as we are led to believe.

Cigarettes tend to be the start.
Cigarettes are absolutely the evil catalyst. Old skool mixing weed with tobacco slowly being eradicated by Vapes.
Alcohol was legal for centuries before prohibition, as such it was so ingrained in American culture that it was impossible to ban it completely.
As far as i know smoking cannabis doesn't have similar history in the UK, legalising it would make the practice more widespread along with the associated social problems it causes.
What are your views on the legalisation of opium for recreational use.
It worked out well for the last British government to get involved in drug dealing and not so well for its customers in China.
I really don't think legalising makes a difference its always been in abundance. If you know the right people you can shake a stick down some streets at the people growing enough to supply a small neighbourhood. Nothing wrong with it imho. Not saying two wrongs make a right but alcohol is far worse. The damage it does to you physically is way off the scale.
I've smoked myself into a zen like state countless times on weed. Alcohol not so!
Alcohol was legal for centuries before prohibition, as such it was so ingrained in American culture that it was impossible to ban it completely.
As far as i know smoking cannabis doesn't have similar history in the UK,
Cannabis was made illegal in 1928. Prior to that it was legal.

Where do you stand on the US alcohol prohibition, which funded organised crime?

Do you think it is better to have a regulated trade, taxed, of known ingredients to adults in controlled conditions, times and places? Or to have adulterated home-made vodka sold to schoolchildren?

Would Al Capone have made millions if there was a legal market?
You'll recall that some strong liquors were thought to cause blindness and brain damage. In some countries, they were outlawed, and bars continued to sell other liquors that were not thought to cause blindness.

Do you think that was the wrong thing to do?
Different starting points
Or should the sale of all alcoholic liquors have been put into the hands of uncontrolled criminals?
Alcohol sales are presumptively legal, other way round with proscribed drugs.

Clearly heroine is illegal while its sister morphine can be a great help in the right circumstances. Do you eat dog?
Some of the home grown weed is ridiculously strong, it’s not like a bit of resin from the early 90’s.
Can you show us the results of any tests and comparisons of the various strains of cannabis?
You made the claim. The responsibility is on you to present that evidence, or admit that you're too lazy to look for it, it or doesn't exist.

You can't claim evidence exists, and expect others to disprove this secret evidence. :rolleyes:
The minion has shown evidence of the effect on children, is that not enough?
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