Male Police can strip search a female.

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On the grounds that the search rules are not being adhered to? I'm guessing the senior officer in charge will make sure that the rules are being followed. If not, the search will not continue.
So when the senior officer in charge has made sure that the rules are being followed, the search will continue?
Irrespective, there is not a chance in hell that a person born as a man with be able to intimately search a woman. Never in a million years boyo.
The original post was was about male (or male-identified) police can search a woman, but that's beside the point about whether anybody can refuse to be searched.
So when the senior officer in charge has made sure that the rules are being followed, the search will continue?
Unless the person being searched refuses. They are then warned that it could harm their case further down the line.
There have been no complaints about trans officers searching women by force. It is a non issue.
The original post was was about male (or male-identified) police can search a woman
Remember as well, that the woman must be asked who they are more comfortable with carrying out the search. It really is a non issue.
There seems to be a difference of opinion on that. I don't claim to know.
The trolls are confused with the difference between a strip search, exposed intimate search and an Intimate search (physical). The only one you have the power to refuse is a physical intimate search. The police have the power to forcibly strip search you and they frequently do.

If you want some examples, Google Child Q or Dr Konstancja Duff. both were strip searched, naked without their consent. Dr Duff received compensation, not because the search was unlawful, but because the officers abused her during the search.

Here s a simple flow chart that shows what happens:

Police have a statuary power to search, like the power of arrest. There are actually a few different laws giving them this power. The main one is known as PACE.

You have just as much ability/power to refuse a search or strip search as you do to refuse being arrested.
So when the senior officer in charge has made sure that the rules are being followed, the search will continue?
As long as there are grounds for a search - yes.

The original post was was about male (or male-identified) police can search a woman, but that's beside the point about whether anybody can refuse to be searched.
Correct. A man will never be allowed to strip search a woman under current law.

From biking from the boatyards' link....

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