Mask wearing does help reduce community transmission

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They're infinitely smaller than dust particles so my point remains valid and the only correct view.
But they mostly travel on water droplets, which are "infinitely" larger than the viruses.

Here's some more science for you to ignore: ".... scientific studies on the spread of viruses and bacteria in the population by suspended particles, which correlate the incidence of viral infections with the levels of atmospheric particles ..."

The viruses don't generally just float about, they are attached to water vapour, droplets and DUST.

You really should try to keep up with the science that you are arguing against.
I bet none of you mask wearers are still washing your hands dozens of times a day for minimum of 20 seconds
I've always kept my hands clean. So, yeah. Although, I don't wear a mask now, unless in a public building that requests it.
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I'm not compelled to engage with subhuman robots.
And yet, as soon as somebody says "covid" you jump at the chance to regurgitate the same old nonsense people have been spouting for over 2 years.
I'm not compelled to engage with subhuman robots.

You are obsessed like your chums, you can't let it go. You can't bear the overwhelming success of the vaccines. Move on, the vaccinated came to your rescue.
You are obsessed like your chums, you can't let it go. You can't bear the overwhelming success of the vaccines. Move on, the vaccinated came to your rescue.
They most certainly did not. We need the prosecutions for the coercion now, with severe and brutal punishments.
We need the prosecutions for the coercion now, with severe and brutal punishments.
Who was coerced? How many people? Were you coerced into getting the vaccine, or did you chose not to?
They most certainly did not. We need the prosecutions for the coercion now, with severe and brutal punishments.
Personally I had sympathy for some countries that said ok don't take up the vaccines but if you need treatment you will pay for it.
Many anti-vaxxers have actually had the vaccine, but they still go on forums to spread the anti-vaccine dogma they've been brainwashed into believing. Bit like the flat earthers - they are just trolls trying to wind people up.
Personally I had sympathy for some countries that said ok don't take up the vaccines but if you need treatment you will pay for it.
Then they should make injection-injured pay for their hospitalisation and funeral.
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