Mask wearing does help reduce community transmission

Dust masks have a purpose (if properly fitting). COVID gimp masks don't.
Oh yeah, they filter out the magic fairy dust don't they, but "Covid" masks, which existing before covid but were just called masks, don't really work, because, um, magic!
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Oh yeah, they filter out the magic fairy dust don't they, but "Covid" masks, which existing before covid but were just called masks, don't really work, because, um, magic!
Virus particles and dust are completely different so your idiotic point is wholly without merit.
Virus particles
What are "virus particles"? Do you have any idea how these particles are spread through the air?
My idiotic point just highlighted that you don't seem to have considered this.
'So what' you say?

Yes. A worldwide pandemic called for a fast response which is what happened and the overwhelming majority of people agreed.

I get you don't believe Covid is real so you'll have the opposite view, however nonsensical that is.
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I get you don't believe Covid is real so you'll have the opposite view, however nonsensical that is.

If there is one thing the antivaxxers and covid-deniers hate more than anything, it's the fact that we really don't give a toss about their opinion.
They just crave attention, like the little boy writing poo on his school book.
What are "virus particles"? Do you have any idea how these particles are spread through the air?
My idiotic point just highlighted that you don't seem to have considered this.
They're infinitely smaller than dust particles so my point remains valid and the only correct view.
Did you miss all the evidence from studies that they account for an infinitesimal proportion of virus transmission? Virtue signal somewhere else.
I must have, got any links?
They would be interesting as the droplets is how all even vaguely similar spread including the common cold.

The masks also influence the other cause of spread - contaminated surfaces, touched and face touching. The surfaces are one hell of a lot less likely to get contaminated.

Each year there are science lectures for kids. The BBC broadcast them. As topical the most recent ones covered viral spread. If a kiddy wink can understand them maybe some posters should go and watch them. It even covers droplet spread from just breathing to things we do that cause more and more to come out of us.
I bet none of you mask wearers are still washing your hands dozens of times a day for minimum of 20 seconds
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