Mask wearing does help reduce community transmission

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Counting deaths associated with COVID in a different way to how every other disease is tallied is fraudulent and unforgivable.
Some get treated and recover but only if they need treatment. The part thick'os like you can't get your head round. It simple really. Need treatment, don't get it = dead.
Because as has been mentioned, the criteria for stating that covid was the cause of death changed
No it hasnt

Jabbers still do not like being told that there is a difference between 'dying of' and 'dying with' the 'virus

The data has been available on ONS site for a year, I’ve posted it here many times, but you are so weak, you refuse to acknowledge each time I have done so.

This went out of the window with the 'virus' and most people will be paying dearly for that for the foreseeable future, not only in financial terms but in health terms because of the massive backlog that has built up in health services around the world

Usual dishonest claim that there was an alternative.
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That was after the first wave and whilst the pandemic was ongoing.

it doesn’t support Ellals dishonest claim.

back to the drawing board for you
you said figures had never been altered so yet again you are ill-informed and make it up to suit yourself
No I didn’t, Imsaid cause of death hasn’t been changed, it hasn’t.
Read what you post
The official PHE figures are still likely to be a significant undercount of the true death toll. Coronavirus deaths registered by the ONS are almost a third higher than the government figure.

Weird that isn't it as the same time metric is used.

The 60day count was also still logged until recently. Not much difference to the 28day.
Even the UK government 'adjusted' the 'virus' statistics downwards because the numbers were previously over recorded.

So what? Statistics are revisited for all sorts of diseases as learning improves.
11 more pages arguing about masks, from people who would routinely wear dust masks in their work when expected.

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