Mask wearing does help reduce community transmission

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Interestingly WHO has stated that...

Do you believe them? They also say "Getting vaccinated could save your life. COVID-19 vaccines provide strong protection against serious illness, hospitalization and death. There is also some evidence that being vaccinated will make it less likely that you will pass the virus on to others, which means your decision to get the vaccine also protects those around you."
only a nutter would go and stand in the rain in a queue with hundreds of other rained on nutters wearing muzzles like nutters , shoulder to shoulder supposedly infecting each other with the shock horror nutjob deadliest ‘virus’ earth has ever seen. Sounds totally normal if your a nutter I suppose.
Did you forget who you were.?
No. I'm saying I didn't do it dozens of times. 24-36-48+ times a day is nonsense.
really so you chose to disregard government scientists advice i thought you regularly said follow the science
I've always kept my hands clean. So, yeah. Although, I don't wear a mask now, unless in a public building that requests it.
Good to see covid can not only tell the time but can also now identify what sort of building its in
Dozens? Lol...

really so you chose to disregard government scientists advice i thought you regularly said follow the science

Good to see covid can not only tell the time but can also now identify what sort of building its in
Yes, covid has really come along well.
For emphasis...

But then some people seem to go out of their way to misinterpret that instead of studying the actual message...

'Oh look', that includes you :giggle:
Why do you need to emphasise ’the virus’

please explain why you do it.

If you can’t then Inshall have to assume it’s because you don’t believe it’s real
So more died because of the reaction rather than the cause of the 'virus'...
What you posted doesn't indicate that at all. It just mentions that excess deaths will include other factors and no idea of how many are included in the count. The other problem with it is that there is no way of knowing how many died for any reason in some countries
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