Mask wearing does help reduce community transmission

Many anti-vaxxers have actually had the vaccine, but they still go on forums to spread the anti-vaccine dogma they've been brainwashed into believing. Bit like the flat earthers - they are just trolls trying to wind people up.
Many people have also not had it but turn up in places lke this pretending they have .
In my personal OPINION i’d suggest millions less have had it than has been suggested.
Note I emphasised opinion .
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Many anti-vaxxers have actually had the vaccine, but they still go on forums to spread the anti-vaccine dogma they've been brainwashed into believing. Bit like the flat earthers - they are just trolls trying to wind people up.
Bit of a dopey contradiction actually. Brainwashed but vaxxed anyway. hmmm
Then they should make injection-injured
Who has been injured? I want a link that shows the numbers. A real one not some faked up figures.

It is a fact that any vaccinations can cause a rather limited number of people certain problems but they recover with treatment. Covid can cause serious problems to a lot more people even those that survive it.

You may latch on to one case that hit the headlines - lady has the jab and dies the following day. It's meaningless because people are dying and having a whole load of problems all of the time. The only way is to compare with what happens in this area normally before anybody was vaccinated. The famous one - blood clots in younger people. Well they do get blood clots in some numbers yearly or what ever and in this case there appeared to be a possible increase. That is not a certainty but it indicated risk. They changed what they did.
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Who has been injured? I want a link that shows the numbers. A real one not some faked up figures.

It is a fact that any vaccinations can cause a rather limited number of people certain problems but they recover with treatment. Covid can cause serious problems to a lot more people even those that survive it.

You may latch on to one case that hit the headlines - lady has the jab and dies the following day. It's meaningless because people are dying and having a whole load of problems all of the time. The only way is to compare with what happens in this area normally before anybody was vaccinated. The famous one - blood clots in younger people. Well they do get blood clots in some numbers yearly or what ever and in this case there appeared to be a possible increase. That is not a certainty but it indicated risk. They changed what they did.
Are you genuinely claiming that no person on Earth has died due to taking these injections?
Are you genuinely claiming that no person on Earth has died due to taking these injections?
Of course they have.

people die everyday from all sorts of medicine sideffects

The fact is the risk of death or injury from the vaccine is far lower than it is from covid.

You are very lucky that the majority of people have had the vaccine in this country and ended the pandemic.

If most people had been selfish like you we would still be suffering covid waves that are killing significant numbers
Yabba Yabba Yabba...

The same old reply, and the same old lies...

Of course I could ask you yet again to show where I have said that the 'virus' doesn't exist, but we'd get the same old bovine excrement from you!

As for that majority of people, it is also true that the majority of people in the world believe in an imaginary friend(s) whatever the version it/they are purported to be...

Because they are told/brainwashed to 'believe' rather than think for themselves...

Is having the view that there is no imaginary friend(s) nonsensical?

Some even believe in imaginary Doctors.
You are very lucky that the majority of people have had the vaccine in this country and ended the pandemic.

If most people had been selfish like you we would still be suffering covid waves that are killing significant numbers
Earth to notchy...

According to the scientists that you swear by as regards the jabs, the pandemic hasn't ended...

What do you know/believe that they don't? :LOL:
Pro-vaxxers do themselves no favours by not accepting there have been vaccine deaths.

I have not seen a single "pro vaxxer" deny there have been deaths. Who denied deaths?

If you do a tally of deaths of covid v vaccine ....

Covid deaths - about 6,300,000
Vaccine deaths - less than a 100?

Some news for those that stopped following it last year:

Covid vaccines not linked to deaths, major US study finds
"92% of reported side-effects after the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were mild.
"About 4,500 people died after being vaccinated, in the US, up to June 2021. But no unusual patterns in the data were detected that might suggest a link to the vaccine itself."

If you think the vaccine is a bad, you're just a very very silly person and should probably get a new hobby, like colouring in, instead of discussing medicine on a DIY forum.
Of course they have.

people die everyday from all sorts of medicine sideffects

The fact is the risk of death or injury from the vaccine is far lower than it is from covid.

You are very lucky that the majority of people have had the vaccine in this country and ended the pandemic.

If most people had been selfish like you we would still be suffering covid waves that are killing significant numbers
Bullshit. No extra people would be dying of everyone was uninjected. In fact almost certainly fewer would be. Your beloved injections are fraudulent and criminal.
Bullshit. No extra people would be dying of everyone was uninjected. In fact almost certainly fewer would be. Your beloved injections are fraudulent and criminal.

You are either a Nutter or a troll , which is it?
Bullshit. No extra people would be dying of everyone was uninjected. In fact almost certainly fewer would be. Your beloved injections are fraudulent and criminal.

Why are you so angry?

Youve been brainwashed, that’s why.
We have seen it on here a number if times, you follow exactly the same pattern.

You make wild claims without any evidence to back it up…..I know, it’s because you have no evidence, youve seen some rancid hogwash on yer aunt nellies Facebook page.
So please explain why you do it.
For emphasis...

But then some people seem to go out of their way to misinterpret that instead of studying the actual message...

'Oh look', that includes you :giggle:
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