Mask wearing does help reduce community transmission

I have not seen a single "pro vaxxer" deny there have been deaths. Who denied deaths?
Notch, Noseall, Denso and John D.

Vaccine deaths - less than a 100?

2,161 vaccine deaths reported on the yellow card system:

...and if you cannot accept that figure, look up the Astra Zeneca blood clot scandal and see how many deaths they have admitted to, and then think again about your "less than a 100" claim.
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2,161 vaccine deaths reported on the yellow card system:
That's just deaths after the vaccine.
Anyway, even if you believe they are all caused by the vaccine, you must accept that 2,161 is less than 6,300,000 by a huge margin
Why do you need to emphasise ’the virus’

please explain why you do it.

If you can’t then Inshall have to assume it’s because you don’t believe it’s real
He's a covid troll!
Notch, Noseall, Denso and John D.

2,161 vaccine deaths reported on the yellow card system:

...and if you cannot accept that figure, look up the Astra Zeneca blood clot scandal and see how many deaths they have admitted to, and then think again about your "less than a 100" claim.
Weve been through this a thousand times

its association not causation.

if there was a yellow card reporting scheme for custard creams there would be deaths after.
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I see the old banned bulls hitter norcon, roger928, ryler is back.
People in the States who were given lethal injections following a positive COVID pseudo test were classified as COVID deaths. As were people shot dead
Provide the evidence or retract.

stop posting nonsense
6.3m is complete and utter nonsense.

People in the States who were given lethal injections following a positive COVID pseudo test were classified as COVID deaths. As were people shot dead.
Lol, did you learn that in a tik tok video?
ook up the Astra Zeneca blood clot scandal and see how many deaths they have admitted to
If you are going post stuff like that provide a link.
2,161 vaccine deaths reported on the yellow card system:
Millions vaccinated and none of them would have died anyway? All are immortal and none of us die?

Getting on for 1,800 people die every day in the UK.
People in the States who were given lethal injections following a positive COVID pseudo test were classified as COVID deaths. As were people shot dead.

No they weren't.
It can’t get into stadiums , never could .And footballers and rugby players can’t catch it off each other, especially if they spit everywhere while they’re playing and roll around in it.
Have you been in a covid coma for the last 2 years? That would explain how you seem to have failed to notice anything that has happened.
It is not March 2020!
Provide the evidence or retract.

stop posting nonsense

And someone who died "with COVID" - but clearly not as a result of it in spite of what idiots like you believe:
Have you been in a covid coma for the last 2 years? That would explain how you seem to have failed to notice anything that has happened.
It is not March 2020!
You don’t need to talk with yourself. There are other delusionists here willing to correspond with you at your level.
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