Mask wearing does help reduce community transmission

John Ioaniddis, acknowledged as the best epidemiologist alive, rates the IFR virtually the same as seasonal flu, another fact for you.

you mean the John Ioaniddis that said 10,000 deaths from covid in Anerica

and there have been 1 million

he rated IFR virtually same as flu and he was out by a factor of 100

And you are claiming he was right :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
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Of course you have, and let's assume that's true, so what? flu epidemics are just the same. our hospitals were never over-run. I visited three medical facilities in April 2020, with my wife, she was unwell, they were all deserted, including a large hospital. In the Covid ward in that hospital there was one other person, reading a book, it was all a big lie, I saw it with my own eyes.
ha ha ha what a liar

you wouldn’t have been able to get near a covid ward

reading a book :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

what a muppet

and covid waves spread around the country at different times

April 2020 was worse in South East, less so in South West and North
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My wife went in jellyfish, I did go in a ward to visit my daughter in another hospital, I was unmasked. At that time I was in the South, so have another try
which hospital?

You never visited a covid ward

”reading a book” :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

you’ve been caught out Old Bean

Great Western Swindon, and under an FOI they confirmed no deaths from Covid
Erm, these are the figures from one FOI. Did you have another one in mind?

|Week |No. of Deaths |
|w/e 05/12/2020 |3 |
|w/e 12/12/2020 |4 |
|w/e 19/12/2020 |2 |
|w/e 26/12/2020 |6 |
|w/e 02/01/2021 |10 |
|w/e 09/01/2021 |21 |
|w/e 16/01/2021 |23 |
|w/e 23/01/2021 |22 |
|w/e 30/01/2021 |23 |
|Total |114 |
Great Western Swindon, and under an FOI they confirmed no deaths from Covid, you really are a bedwetter aren't you.
So not the South East

the West didn’t get covid until later on.

and your claim “there was just one person in the covid ward, sitting up reading” is total bullsh1t
Says the guy who thinks a junk blue mask protects you and others from virus particles. I bet you wear a string vest to keep the insects off your skin. Do you know what happens when you sneeze wearing that white elephant? it turns any droplets into aerosol and distributes it everywhere, and aerosol hangs in the air, it's basic science, I despair of you people.

face coverings for use in public spaces are only for the purpose of reducing viral load spread.

and they work, they slow and reduce the distance viral particles spread from the wearer.
Jesus, you had to delete half of what I wrote to try and make that argument, talk about desperate.

Youve trotted out one conspiracy theory after another

heres a few classics, everyone of these can be traced back to a conspiracy theorist, mostly on Facebook:

covid is only mild
covid no worse than flu
masks don’t work
PCR test doesn’t work
vaccine is gene therapy
WHO changed definition of vaccine to allow vaccine development
covid has never been isolated
Kochs postulates

and you follow the classic path of a conspiracist: constantly moving from one bullsh1t claim to avoid time for the lies and misinformation to be refuted.

you Aare suffering a border line personality disorder, go and get help
Swindon is in the central south, literally just inside Wiltshire, l'm loving your Covid is border sensitive hilarity though, comedy gold. It's so contagious it respects County borders, it's tricky round there because nearby you can be in Hampshire, Oxfordshire, Berkshire or Wiltshire within about 10 minutes or so. Thank goodness for Covid's border awareness..
Sigh. 135 posts and counting since joining yesterday from the 'new' member. None of them DIY related. New name, new persona. Must be great having so many personalities. How do you keep track - do you have notes alongside each login?
Well it appears then that masks are now not helpful in 'helping reduce community transmission', despite the claim that apparently infections are on the rise again...

So what has changed with the mask theory?
That they don't do what they were claimed to do? Or that we now have to live with the 'virus', as we should have been doing previously?

It does appear that people have now got used to simply reacting to decrees they are told to obey very readily. Pavlov was right!

So I'm assuming that were a u-turn to be suddenly announced she would go back to donning a mask without question?
Where does it appear that masks are now not helpful in reducing community transmission? And yes, if told to she would wear one again. It’s not to protect herself, it’s to protect idiots such as yourself because unlike you, she does think of others.
Swindon is in the central south, literally just inside Wiltshire, l'm loving your Covid is border sensitive hilarity though, comedy gold. It's so contagious it respects County borders, it's tricky round there because nearby you can be in Hampshire, Oxfordshire, Berkshire or Wiltshire within about 10 minutes or so. Thank goodness for Covid's border awareness..
Childish strawman

I suggest you look at a case rate map over time.
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