Mega Flo vs Thermal store

I chose one. I have a big one. It is connected to radiators. It doesn't have much sludge in it.

Where does all this sludge come from? A poorly installed/treated system.

The cowboys here will tell you your system is sludged up. Yet it isn't. :) :) :)
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No bother jonas ya bawbag.
Firstly did you read my post on the problems caused by these monstrosities fitted in Scotland

It is clear you are barking mad. Are you the bathroom and drain type of plumber?

Nope wouldn't know where to start with bathroom and drains. Never touched them in my life.
16 years at BG including training and system design, now 6 years as a senior engineer with a manufacturer which again includes training and system design as a prerequisite of my job.
But keep telling yerself everyone else is a cowboy mate.
I'm no longer going to feed the TROLL.
No bother jonas ya bawbag.
Firstly did you read my post on the problems caused by these monstrosities fitted in Scotland

It is clear you are barking mad. Are you the bathroom and drain type of plumber?

Nope wouldn't know where to start with bathroom and drains. Never touched them in my life.
16 years at BG including training and system design, now 6 years as a senior engineer with a manufacturer which again includes training and system design as a prerequisite of my job.
But keep telling yerself everyone else is a cowboy mate.
I'm no longer going to feed the TROLL.

I do not believe you. No one like you described could be so ignorant.
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Oh yes, it's clearly that tozzer Dr Drivel, Water Systems, Big Burner etc etc etc..........
No bother jonas ya bawbag.
Firstly did you read my post on the problems caused by these monstrosities fitted in Scotland

It is clear you are barking mad. Are you the bathroom and drain type of plumber?

Nope wouldn't know where to start with bathroom and drains. Never touched them in my life.
16 years at BG including training and system design, now 6 years as a senior engineer with a manufacturer which again includes training and system design as a prerequisite of my job.
But keep telling yerself everyone else is a cowboy mate.
I'm no longer going to feed the TROLL.

So you now work with Ideal then shamroc?? You know what, I'd love to fit Ideal but they get such a bad name, but we need to support British manufacturers. How can we in the Plumbing & Heating trade all club together & sort this out?? Perhaps you could give us some pointers, what are the 'sheds' Ideal manufacture/manufactured??
Ideal are just plain bad in all departments. A waste of sheet metal. No wonder with shambolic people working for them.

It is best they are allowed to die. Ideal are an embarrassment to British industry, all that is bad about Britain.
These cowboys are best ignored as they add no value. I can't get anything useful from them.
Let me try to explain to you hard of thinking sludge bucket fans, the sludge is not just rust tw.ts, do you know what water contains?? Add an extra 200Ltrs + to a system what happens?? Think about it, thick cnts.
It's so refreshing to see someone revert to type. Using foul language and personal insults is usually a sign that someone realises they have no other weapons left - having lost the logical argument.

Now, since you are soooo clever as you claim, just how much dissolved scale is there in 200l of water ?
I believe over 180mg/L is considered very hard water, lets go really hard and say 250mg/l. That's a whopping 1/4 of a gram in 1000g of water, or a whole 50g in 200l of water. Yes folks, a whole 50g. Apparently all of it (and several times more) settles out in the bottom of the store - because quite frankly, if you sprinkle that much fairly evenly over the area of a typical cylinder then it's not going to leave much of a deposit.
Plumbers don't like them because we come across them all the time, we have the experience, you don't. There's no experienced Plumber or Heating Engineer on here, or on any other forum, that would fit them out of choice.

Oh in theory they're great, but like most things in our industry, they're designed by morons & fail in service.
Let me see now ...
Combi boilers - unreliable and poor performers, PHEs scale up, getting better but used to be even worse.
Condensing boilers - ditto
Radiators - rust away and have to be replaced
DHW cylinders - eventually fail and have to be replaced
Pressurised systems - safety valves fail, expansion vessels fail

See a common thread. By your argument, no sensible plumber would fit any of these because in your own words "they're designed by morons & fail in service"

Another simple thing on ye Albion pish, the f*****g plastic ball valves melt due to too much heat in the cylinder so it starts to pour out the warning pipe resulting in new roughcast at the cost of thousands of pounds. The two sites I spoke of earlier has cost Albion, a developer and a manufacturer nearly a million quid to try to sort and it's still not right. I've seen in and been involved at the sharp end of the s***te that is a thermal store!
So argument goes along the lines of ... one manufacturer got one design element wrong, hence all designs, from all manufacturers, for all time, but be equally wrong. So you don't fit condensing boilers or combi boilers then since they are subject to exactly the same criticism.

So... Where/what is this "somewhere"? Sludge is a bad thing regardless of where it settles, and surely a known, single settlement area that is relatively easily clean is better than a dozen rads that need flushing or removing and flushing.
Yeah, you'd think so.
But some people aren't prepared co allow logical thinking like that if it gets in the way of good old fashioned prejudice.

Notice how the goal posts have been moved though ? A few posts back there was a subtle attempt to shift the argument - no longer about sludge in the bottom of the store, it's now apparently about the stuff that builds up in pumps :rolleyes:
I brought up the pumps as on the Albion Mainsflow direct thermal stores on these sites in Scotland (with acidic soft water) there are and I'll repeat it again as you only chose to take the salient points to try to prove your arguments and ignored the rest major problems with a build up of sludge in the tanks and the hw coils(externally coated so no heat transfer) and down the primary flow and return and pumps on the primary return being solid with built up brown crusty sludge and even the plastic primaries being almost completely closed!!
I've had to deal with the consequences of these units and the fallout caused to us, the punter in the house, the builder, the installer and Albion themselves replacing over 150 units at no charge
Get over yourself son & stop hideing your head in the sand. They're sludge buckets. Gledhill went out the game because they failed with them also. No Local Authority or HA will fit them now cause they're sh.te!!
..............and how much more oxygen is added to small ferrous systems by adding an unnecessary 200Ltr+ of water???
You may have all the design theory son, but the design is flawed. But we have the practical knowledge. The practical judgement on these units are; they are sh.te, don't fit them. They are sludge buckets.

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