Mega Flo vs Thermal store

SimonH2 and Jonasx (Dr Drivel) are one and the same.

Shows the state of his mind when he has to post and reply to himself :rolleyes: :LOL:

Don't be alarmed, his medication will kick in soon. He's always the same when they take him of the wee yellow ones!! His Psychiatrist is keeping an eye on him as we speak, but they may need to resort to the straight jacket, like the last time??!!! When they dragged him, foaming at the mouth, into his padded cell shouting HEATBANK!! HEATBANK!!........Not a sight for the faint hearted!!
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Way I see it Shambolic has direct expeirence with a large number of thermal stores that are or have given problems he is manufacturer based , sentinel were or are also involved ect ect

The man knows what he is talking about !!
Way I see it Shambolic has direct expeirence with a large number of thermal stores that are or have given problems he is manufacturer based , sentinel were or are also involved ect ect
Without trawling back through the thread, he keeps citing ONE installation as the basis for his "thermal stores cannot ever be anything but a complete disaster" attitude. I can't comment on that installation as I wasn't involved and know nothing more about it than what has been posted in this thread.
The man knows what he is talking about !!
Based on his postings here, I disagree.
If he really did know what he was talking about then he'd be prepared to accept that for some installations, a properly designed system around a properly designed thermal store can be the right solution. Since his opinion is the exact opposite of that, I pidgeonhole him with the "<suck> that wants ripping out, you want a combi mate" brigade.
And in case the OP hasn't been frightened off by all the vitriol and abuse ...

Some of us here are prepared to try and help. Have you managed to try the checks I suggested earlier ?
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Way I see it Shambolic has direct expeirence with a large number of thermal stores that are or have given problems he is manufacturer based , sentinel were or are also involved ect ect
Without trawling back through the thread, he keeps citing ONE installation as the basis for his "thermal stores cannot ever be anything but a complete disaster" attitude. I can't comment on that installation as I wasn't involved and know nothing more about it than what has been posted in this thread.
The man knows what he is talking about !!
Based on his postings here, I disagree.
If he really did know what he was talking about then he'd be prepared to accept that for some installations, a properly designed system around a properly designed thermal store can be the right solution. Since his opinion is the exact opposite of that, I pidgeonhole him with the "<suck> that wants ripping out, you want a combi mate" brigade.
I've never seen one that hasn't caused problems.
This may be down to instalation or design as well as store.
150-200 over 3 sites from Alloa to Falkirk to Glasgow with different installers on each site though tends to point to a common factor.
Especially after the old Albion units removed pipes cleansed and new hex on every one of these instalationx(Albion provided cylinders free).
The costs were astronomical.
Sentinel were involved as were chemists to see the best process to remove the sludge built up. All flushed with 800 and inhibited with 100 again per sentinel with a 3% dose in each system. 300 litres worth 9 bottles per house(a lot of money again due to quantity of houses)
They are starting to fail again with primary and secondary pumps slugging up and main hex on boiler getting noisy again.
Not to mention leaks from blending valves, ball valves melting and snapping due to heat in F/E part of unit!!!
And don't get me started on the 5 or 6 sites with Gledhill boilermate, and systemates out there. A lot being taken ou and range tribune and mega lows fitted in their place!,
But that's right I have limited knowledge of them and how they work.
W :rolleyes:
What I do have is great knowledge of the failures and the hassle and pain and expense they have caused the punters in the properties I've been in.
I had a case last month in Bearden North Glasgow. Half the sludge bucket was full of 'sludge'. This on a 3 year old spec build house & a big inhibitor sticker on it of course!! Gledhill leaker in Bellshill east Glasgow, that we replaced with an unvented cylinder, the customer told us there's was the last thermalstore left in the whole estate of 30 houses, that was built in 2005.

There is no way thermalstores or heatbanks should be fitted anywhere in the UK. They leak, they pump over, they sludge up, they kill boilers & radiators.
must say if your talking boilermates, albions then some were crap.
Personally ive got loads of specialist DPS stores installed to my name and not had one issue with any.

some stores are good and do the job,some were just crap.
I had a case last month in Bearden North Glasgow. Half the sludge bucket was full of 'sludge'. This on a 3 year old spec build house

It is obvious these are poorly designed thermal stores and poorly designed system. Proper ones do not sludge up.

It is best to get to know the trade you work in, rather than adopt cowboy ways.
SimonH2 and Jonasx (Dr Drivel) are one and the same.

Shows the state of his mind when he has to post and reply to himself :rolleyes: :LOL:

Don't be alarmed, his medication will kick in soon. He's always the same when they take him of the wee yellow ones!! His Psychiatrist is keeping an eye on him as we speak, but they may need to resort to the straight jacket, like the last time??!!! When they dragged him, foaming at the mouth, into his padded cell shouting HEATBANK!! HEATBANK!!........Not a sight for the faint hearted!!

Way I see it Shambolic has direct expeirence with a large number of thermal stores that are or have given problems he is manufacturer based , sentinel were or are also involved ect ect

The man knows what he is talking about !!

He does? I have read nothing that indicates so.
must say if your talking boilermates, albions then some were crap.
Personally ive got loads of specialist DPS stores installed to my name and not had one issue with any.

some stores are good and do the job,some were just crap.

There you go. :)
Way I see it Shambolic has direct expeirence with a large number of thermal stores that are or have given problems he is manufacturer based , sentinel were or are also involved ect ect

The man knows what he is talking about !!

He does? I have read nothing that indicates so.

Oh he's completely barking mad!! Give a rest WS son. Take your wee yellow on & chew on your blanket, there's a good chap.

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