Mega Flo vs Thermal store

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So... Where/what is this "somewhere"? Sludge is a bad thing regardless of where it settles, and surely a known, single settlement area that is relatively easily clean is better than a dozen rads that need flushing or removing and flushing.
Yeah, you'd think so.
But some people aren't prepared co allow logical thinking like that if it gets in the way of good old fashioned prejudice.

Yes, excellent points made here. If the system is neglected sludge only builds up in one place and a large access nut is enough to clear it out. I prefer the thermal stores that do not sludge up as the radiator water does not run through the thermal store.

One maker told me that sludge build up can be accelerated in thermal stores when the stored water mixes with header tank water via natural circulation. He said anti-gravity loops are best fitted in the pipe from the tank to cylinder below. This point applies to normal vented CH systems as well. I have seen a few header tanks warm, indicating circulation between the loop below and the tank. There again good design stops all this prejudice crap.

I like the idea of thermals stores, a really good efficient way of heating, although not in the market for one.
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Why don't discuss the merits of each in private in the combustion chamber....... Wait we cant as dr drivel can't get it as he's not qualified!!! :D
Why don't discuss the merits of each in private in the combustion chamber....... Wait we cant as dr drivel can't get it as he's not qualified!!! :D

As opposed to my good self, who's fully qualified but also can't get in.............. :LOL: :LOL: ;)
Clearly no point attempting to reason with all the "experts" on here. Don't worry guys, I won't be asking you round to do any work.

But has anyone noticed that the last several pages of vitriol have done nothing to deal with the OPs problem ? Apart that is, from demonstrating to him that the plumbing business is full of people with very narrow minds and he needs to choose his tradesmen very carefully.

PS - it's not clear who it's aimed at, but if it's me then no I am not Doctor Drivel or Water Systems. I'm sure an admin could confirm that if they cared. I've never been thrown off a forum, ever - even in the face of such abuse as some of you lot seem to like dishing out.
Clearly no point attempting to reason with all the "experts" on here. Don't worry guys, I won't be asking you round to do any work.

But has anyone noticed that the last several pages of vitriol have done nothing to deal with the OPs problem ? Apart that is, from demonstrating to him that the plumbing business is full of people with very narrow minds and he needs to choose his tradesmen very carefully.

PS - it's not clear who it's aimed at, but if it's me then no I am not Doctor Drivel or Water Systems. I'm sure an admin could confirm that if they cared. I've never been thrown off a forum, ever - even in the face of such abuse as some of you lot seem to like dishing out.

You must be all those people, as they said so. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
SimonH2 and Jonasx (Dr Drivel) are one and the same.

Shows the state of his mind when he has to post and reply to himself :rolleyes: :LOL:
It's getting hard for him to keep up the conversation with himself :LOL:
If I had to guess I'd say this H2 chap is for real. He's bought a heatstore and genuinely thinks it is the Second Coming.

I bought an unvented cylinder about 6 years ago, my wife keeps finding me in the airing cupboard with it. My love has never waned, and it has always provided hot water when I needed it.

The Jonas bloke gets my vote for the latest troll incarnation though.
If I had to guess I'd say this H2 chap is for real. He's bought a heatstore and genuinely thinks it is the Second Coming.
Well not the second coming.

But yes, I'm very happy with it. They have their shortcomings, but IMO these are far, far less than a f***ing combi that so many tighta**e developers and ignorant plumbers inflict on the future homeowners. That's not to say I can't see why a combi could be appropriate for some installations - but using shambolic's logic, because I've had a combi that's unreliable and performs poorly, then it's not possible for any combi to be anything but totally crap.

With the store, the whole system "just works", the DHW is hot with a good flow, and the heating is almost silent. In the past I had complaints from every tenant in the place, even the ones that didn't suffer from boiler breakdowns. And since the store was fitted, the boiler has worked "just fine" - say I reaching for a piece of wood to touch :rolleyes:
And for good measure, I did actual measurements of standing losses and compared that to the combi in the house. The combi used around twice as much energy in it's "keep warm" mode than the store lost - and without the keep warm mode, it could take 40s to produce hot water from cold (yes I timed it, and that's at the boiler outlet so not including transit time through the plumbing.

What is clear is that a) many plumbers are simply ignorant of the pros and cons of some options, and thus won't consider them; or b) have had a bad experience and so won't accept that it's possible for any implementation of that technology to be anything other than as bad as the one they experienced. In either case they are not fit to be advising people on what is best for them - for the simple reason that they won't consider all reasonable options.
There's enough examples in this thread to prove both a and b.

NB - My brother has a store in his house as well (that's how I got to know about them), and he's very happy with it as well. In his case, a mix of UFH and radiators, and wood burner, solar, and gas boiler as heat sources.

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