More racism

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I don't think anyone thinks there are not white grooming gangs.... The difference with the Muslim grooming gangs is that their victims are generally not from their cultures or back ground.

White British groomers find each other from all over the place because they have the same sick interest in young girls.

Muslim groomers abuse their victims with their Uncles, Dad, Brothers, cousins, and friends.
Do you not think thats an ingrained problem?
I think you're making up facts with no basis.
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Now me thinks you doth protest too much.
I merely offered it as an explanation of the woman's behaviour. Perhaps she has been admonished before for calling muslims 'luv'.
You say you have dark skin (not black) so how would she know you are not muslim?
Well let me see. My dad was Indian, mum is white Scottish and therefore yes, I have dark skin. Although it has to be said, if we're being more specific, not as dark as someone with both parents of Indian descent.

So, I suppose it could be asserted someone who is somewhat ignorant and lumps all dark-skinned people together in one lump might indeed conclude 'dark skin, therefore Pakistani origin, therefore Muslim.' Because as we all know, every dark-skinned person on the planet is likely to be Muslim.

A semi-intelligent person on the other hand, someone who can apply a degree of rationality to their thought process, would probably conclude along the lines of 'dark skin, can't actually determine their origin, know nothing of their background, religious belief undeterminable.'

There again now you come to mention it, when I see white people in the UK, any white person, I do tend to think 'white person, therefore UK origin, therefore Christian.' So yeah, I see your logic.

Just for clarification, when I say I see your logic ...
Why are there so many Stan countries?
There are seven countries in Central Asia with the suffix "-stan": Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. The suffix comes from the Persian root istan, or "land"—hence the "land of the Uzbeks," "land of the Kazakhs," and so forth.

Land of the free, home of the brave. Not for those countries.
So, I suppose it could be asserted someone who is somewhat ignorant and lumps all dark-skinned people together in one lump might indeed conclude 'dark skin, therefore Pakistani origin, therefore Muslim.' Because as we all know, every dark-skinned person on the planet is likely to be Muslim.
I think you are being unfair. Don't forget we were talking about Pakistanis and associated words, then you come on and say you are half Indian and describe possible discrimination.

A semi-intelligent person on the other hand, someone who can apply a degree of rationality to their thought process, would probably conclude along the lines of 'dark skin, can't actually determine their origin, know nothing of their background, religious belief undeterminable.'
Yes, but if my thought about the woman not calling you 'luv' was because she has been rebuked by a muslim man previously, then she will be wary of calling anyone who might be a muslim 'luv' in the future. It was just a suggestion which you apparently also think is 'racist' (proper definition notwithstanding).

There again now you come to mention it, when I see white people in the UK, any white person, I do tend to think 'white person, therefore UK origin, therefore Christian.' So yeah, I see your logic.
Just for clarification, when I say I see your logic ...
...and I, yours...

So, if you didn't want to offend a white person of UK origin (by whatever means should one exist) how would you tell the ones that weren't?

I think you are being over-sensitive.
So, I suppose it could be asserted someone who is somewhat ignorant and lumps all dark-skinned people together in one lump might indeed conclude 'dark skin, therefore Pakistani origin, therefore Muslim.' Because as we all know, every dark-skinned person on the planet is likely to be Muslim.

My mother is Irish, my father was born in the part of the punjab that later became Pakistan. I am the colour of milky tea.

As an aside, over the years I have noticed that the "English white" people that I start talking to in the pub that (think that they) don't want to offend me ask if I am Mediterranean. People from the middle east tend to ask me if I am Indian. Few seldom ask if I am Pakistani. Out and out racists just call me the P word because they use it as a catch all term.

I suspect that my accent (which leads people to assume that I went to public school- I didn't) probably influences the guesses made by white English people to a degree. I don't have any hint of a sub-continental accent. Whilst I am appreciative of the fact that those people are at least attempting to be polite it shows the lasting legacy of the use of the P word by the far right and the assumption that you would offend a Spanish person if you called them Indian or Pakistani rather than, for example Greek or Spanish.

That said, my local pub is an Irish pub, I automatically assume that anyone with a southern accent was christened as a catholic. Those with accents from the north of the island of Ireland, I don't broach the subject, I wait for them to bring it up.

I guess we all pander to stereotyping. The important thing is that we don't allow them to affect how we interact with others in a meaningful way.
I think you are being unfair. Don't forget we were talking about Pakistanis and associated words, then you come on and say you are half Indian and describe possible discrimination.
Do you think thick racist chavs know the difference between Pakistan and India?
They are members of the one race; the human race.
There are no other races.
There are nationalities, cultures, ethnicities, religions, etc, but there's only one race.

Your wordplay doesn't make it or you any less divisive, Himmy.
Please do explain how you think a unifying statement, such as, "There is only one race, the human race." creates division.
Or maybe you're referring to the bit where I said that there are many cultures, nationalities, religions, etc. If so, by all means, explain how you could possibly think that that is divisive, when it is so obviously factual.
Would you explain to me please
The brief summary that I posted yesterday ought to suffice.
But to elucidate further, the 'tribalism' that exists between different nations, such as Scots, English, Americans, etc, signifies no difference in equality. For sure there is is often a xenophobic mentality, such as "our nation is the best", but that is just bluff and bluster. Unless the person expressing it, genuinely believes it. Then it is delusional. It is racism, all the same, just that there is no existential structural inequality.

Whereas the structural inequality that exists, say in the Met Police is endemic. It is so endemic that the average plod is unaware of it. They are socialised into that inequality, but practise it and reinforce it none the less. The same applies to the UK society in general. Those unfortunate to be born to racist parents are socialised into that racism from an early age. They internalise it and think it is a human nature to be prejudiced towards foreigners.

Then there are those that try to propagate racism by creating hatred and division in society. They're just racist thugs. I very much suspect that if it was not racism that they use to propagate hatred, they'd adopt some other 'difference' to justify their behaviour.

Both sorts, the xenophobic sort and the structural inequality sort, can be eradicated through education. But sometimes, in case of more overt racism, legislation is required, whether that be equality legislation or punishment for racial hatred.
Sometimes, in case of structural inequality, policies can be introduced to combat that structural inequality, e.g. Kick it out policy in football, so that minority candidates get an equal opportunity. The proponents of structural inequality probably even believe that they are not overtly racist, for example the recent episode of Gregg Clarke.

I'd suggest that, in the main, the proponents of structural inequality are totally unaware of that structural inequality, such is its pervasiveness. . Whereas the victims of that structural inequality understand that so many opportunities are denied to them simply because of the colour of the skin.

Sadly, having taken up a few precious minutes explaining that, I doubt somehow that you'll even bother reading it all.
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