More racism

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it's not running away, its wasting cycles where there isn't a debate, its all "i'm right, your wrong and here's MY source" and then the other side. nobody wants to see another side, so why bother, I have a velux to seal, food to eat with my non-white family and better things to do. if anything thinks the government are going to publish a report with all the facts if that means it will cause racial tension and lose them votes I just can't see it. so again, enjoy your evenings chaps
When people of your mentality, only see the 'facts' that they want to see, it's indicative of how people like you weaponise media reports to feed your own prejudice and to attempt to propagate hatred and division in society.

Bon appetite.
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Unfortunately the guardian is a declining pamphlet. It is the least bought daily newspaper in the country
(2019 statistics)
Call it white honky ghost cracker for all i care :D

Be even funnier if it kept winning everything so you could call it the supreme white honky ghost cracker..

Meanwhile as usual its just white people that are racist.

Come off it. Now if you said you were off to call your stud Black Coffee I would be concerned. :ROFLMAO:
Did your mum ever encounter "It's those bloody Scots again" or heaven forbid "It's those bloody Jocks again"?

That racists used the word "****" (often to Indians) does not alter the fact that it is the name of the country of Pakistan meaning Pakiland like Scotland and therefore cannot be racist in itself - not to mention, of course that Pakistanis are not a race.

I have written all those words in full so it is interesting which is censored by the site while the others are not.

Which contradicts the below.

You can't have it both ways.

Do you look Pakistani?

If you do, then the woman in the shop might have been respecting what she thought was your culture.

If not, then what are you complaining about?
First, you assert because I have dark skin people will assume I'm Muslim? Interesting.
Now me thinks you doth protest too much.
I merely offered it as an explanation of the woman's behaviour. Perhaps she has been admonished before for calling muslims 'luv'.
You say you have dark skin (not black) so how would she know you are not muslim?

I have worked in houses of muslim couples and while the husband shakes hands, the woman would refuse and retire to another room. I obviously don't consider this racist but merely their way although to me it appears impolite.

Second, you might of course be right. The woman serving in the garage perhaps had my best interests at heart by not calling me love. It's possible. That must be why she also stopped smiling and not using words/phrases such as 'hello there' and 'is that everything' or 'bye' cause we all know people with dark skin (who are therefore most likely Muslim) don't like hearing those used towards them.
There you go.

Finally, who's complaining? If you read my post again you'll see I'm simply giving opinions, assertions and some of my life experiences.
Well, you didn't seem happy about the experience so I don't think using 'complaining' is unreasonable.

It's interesting these essentially get jumped all over as me misinterpreting and/or being over sensitive.
I fail to see how what I wrote can be classed as 'jumping all over you'.
Did your mum ever encounter "It's those bloody Scots again" or heaven forbid "It's those bloody Jocks again"?
Someone on here recently referred to A Scotsman as a Scotchman, ffs. I would put that ignorance up there with could of instead of could have.
it's not running away, its wasting cycles where there isn't a debate, its all "i'm right, your wrong and here's MY source" and then the other side. nobody wants to see another side, so why bother, I have a velux to seal, food to eat with my non-white family and better things to do. if anything thinks the government are going to publish a report with all the facts if that means it will cause racial tension and lose them votes I just can't see it. so again, enjoy your evenings chaps
Yeah, who needs facts
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