More Rubbish From Johnson

Plenty of ways to transfer assets to claim benefits so why not allow those who’ve worked hard and saved for their home, paid their mortgage keep their home rather than be made as broke as those wh p***ed every penny away the moment they earned it and live in subsidised housing all their life?
A friend of my parents had early dementia he has been in a care home about ten years now all his money saved for them to retire on has gone in care. Now if his partner sells and moves she has to give half of that also. It's a disgrace he was a hard working old soul and worked all his life and paid a higher than average wack of tax and ni thats for sure. She should of transferred all her assets and pleaded poverty but wanted to do the right thing..and be shafted.
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It's a disgrace he was a hard working old soul and worked all his life and paid a higher than average wack of tax and ni thats for sure.

That's the Tory government for you.

"Compassion" is their middle name.

Unfortunately "Fukcall" is their first name.

That's the Tory government for you.

"Compassion" is their middle name.

Unfortunately "Fukcall" is their first name.

True but under a Labour Gov he would of been seen as one of those 'lucky elite millionaire workers that doesn't deserve what he learnt' and would of been taxed to death instead.
would of been taxed to death instead.

Millionaire, you say? Tax, you say? What did he earn? £100,000 a year? Or what?

What's the income tax on a person earning £100,000 a year, if they pay tax on it, under the current Tory government?

And what would it be in the tax regime described in the current Labour manifesto?
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If you can't work it out, I have the answer.

He'd be paying an extra £19.23 a week

Not overwhelming for a millionaire earning £100,000 a year, surely?
The 1 per cent of taxpayers who pay the most contribute 27 per cent of all income tax.
What can we do with that statistic? You presumably think it unfair. It does sound stark.

Can we work out whether it is fair or not from the two numbers? Not really.
I presume 1% is about 300,000 people out of 30,000,000 workforce but that doesn't help either, does it?

What proportion do you think or should the top 1% pay? Is there a percentage that, for some reason, is the maximum you think or should apply?
What if it were 50% or more?

100 people earning 10,000 p.a. = 1,000,000 @ 20% tax = 200,000. On average each left with 8,000 to spend.
1 person earning 1,000,000 p.a. = 1,000,000 @ 40% tax = 400,000. Left with 600,000 to spend.

So the top 1% pay 66% of the tax but not so bad is it?

Perhaps the 27% is too low.
Ryler needs to read more widely than the Telegraph, I am sure he would want to be better informed:

From the independent:
The poorest 10 per cent of households in the UK pay a greater proportion of their income in tax than the richest 10 per cent, new analysis has revealed.

Officials statistics show the lowest tenth of earners pay an average of 42 per cent of their income in the form of income tax, national insurance, VAT and council tax.

In contrast, the richest 10 per cent see around a third (34.4 per cent) of their earnings go to the taxman, according to analysis by The Equality Trust.
Millionaire, you say? Tax, you say? What did he earn? £100,000 a year? Or what?

What's the income tax on a person earning £100,000 a year, if they pay tax on it, under the current Tory government?

And what would it be in the tax regime described in the current Labour manifesto?

Top rate of tax used to be 83% under Labour in the seventies. Do you think we should go back to that?
Simple fact is that this general election will be about this brexit caper ;)

The Labour Hard left have always been anti self employed ;)

Corbyn and mcdonel couldn't run a welk stall :LOL:

Johnson imo could run a welk stall
May be :LOL:
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