My Tits are back!

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Well, a bit of a kerfuffle when I was out. I was round my mums putting a cupboard together and Mrs Mottie went up Marks's but when she came back, next doors kids were protecting the runt from their cat as it had left the nest and ended up on the drive. Mrs Mottie opened the side gate and they ushered it into our garden. It was on our patio when I came home.


Anyway, I left it there and it was hopping around the garden and ended up in the flower bed. I was distracted for a few minutes and when I looked again, it was gone. I looked high and low but it was gone so I ran the cctv back but couldn’t see what had happened as where it was was just off camera. Anyway, I didn’t see a cat or a crow or a magpie go near there so I like to think that it flew off and joined up with the others.

Its been a very enjoyable experience and at least five of the original eight have fledged. Maybe the parents will be back next year, who knows? Anyway, like seeing the satisfaction of an empty plate after a good meal, I leave you with this: :giggle:

They left it nice n' tidy for the next tenants. (y)
It does look a bit like someone's souvenir square of Wembley turf.:)
They left it nice n' tidy for the next tenants. (y)
It does look a bit like someone's souvenir square of Wembley turf.:)
LoL. Apparently, they will clear it right out before building a new one. RSPB recommends clearing it out in October/November and treating the box with some mild disinfect to kill any over-wintering bugs and mites etc.

Update: The runt is still about! Mrs Mottie was watering the borders and it flew down out of the tree, just missing her head. She called me out and I took a final picture. Just after that, it flew across into a bush and I saw one of the parents on the fence with a caterpillar in its beak so it is obviously feeding it.

Final pic unless anything else happens.

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I ordered a camera to put in my bird box and, it arrived today.
I ordered this one from Zopkins.
I'll have to modify my bird box to take it or maybe just knock up a new one.
I was thinking of putting it in my hedgehog house during winter to try it out.
I ordered a camera to put in my bird box and, it arrived today.
I ordered this one from Zopkins.
I'll have to modify my bird box to take it or maybe just knock up a new one.
I was thinking of putting it in my hedgehog house during winter to try it out.
Looks good but part of the kit that my wife bought me was a led light that came on during daylight hours but switched off at dusk, controlled by a daylight sensor. There was a brief window of time each day when the light switched off and before the infra-red activated when I had a very poor picture.
Looks good but part of the kit that my wife bought me was a led light that came on during daylight hours but switched off at dusk, controlled by a daylight sensor. There was a brief window of time each day when the light switched off and before the infra-red activated when I had a very poor picture.
I've got it on test in the kitchen. I've put all the lights off to make it as dark as possible and it seems to be very good in the dark.
The acid test will be how it goes when it gets field tested (garden tested)
I got my hands on some good wood today, so I think I'm going to build a new box tomorrow.
I've got it on test in the kitchen. I've put all the lights off to make it as dark as possible and it seems to be very good in the dark.
The acid test will be how it goes when it gets field tested (garden tested)
I got my hands on some good wood today, so I think I'm going to build a new box tomorrow.
Before you set it up, try it outside in daylight hours with just the entrance hole letting light in.

For my initial test, I set it up in our bedroom where I suspected our dog was sneaking in and going down my dog-walking trousers and helping herself to any left over treats. Sure enough we hadn’t been in 10 minutes and I’d changed out of them and was sitting downstairs when she casually sneaked off and crept upstairs…..

This little fellow has been in my Brafor the past two mornings at 7.30. He stays for 5 minutes then he goes.
I think he's a great tit as opposed to a blue tit which is what I've seen going in and out of the last Brafor I had there.
I wonder if he likes it.


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Too late to nest I would imagine - I remember reading that sometimes they may roost up in a box during the winter months.
Too late to nest I would imagine - I remember reading that sometimes they may roost up in a box during the winter months.
Yep, too late to nest, probably just checking it out.
I've also read that they share a box during a hard winter's night.
Too late to start now but I did pick up a dead nestling on the drive last week that had only just started to grow feathers
What bird was it? Pigeons will breed all year round as they are not dependant on the timing of chicks hatching when there is an abundance of caterpillars.
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