No doubt hate crime on the rise.

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Feel free to quote the paragraph that filly fantasised.

Not in a UK law.
Perhaps you can explain why you think posting a statement [on a public forum] that compares jewish people to nazis is not 1) a the very least insulting to Jews and 2) having regard for the circumstances [i.e. that you are posting on a public forum] that this could stir up hatred in others towards jews?

Then once you have reflected on that, have a little read of sec 19 and see if you have a problem.
Only if it impeded the investigation somehow, which I doubt it does. I see it more as irrelevant.

What is your beef?
So you think its useful to categorise something as hate crime, because the victims had protected characteristics?
Do you think that could result in a lot of non-hate crimes being classed as hate crimes?
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I can see why you want to avoid the actual point af issue.

Filly said something that was not true.

I pointed out that it was not true.

You don't like that.

Comparing Jews with Nazis is listed as a hate crime, it is very much against the law

Not in a UK law
MBK is comparing the photo johnD posted of the Warsaw Ghetto after the Nazi's had flattened it in 1944, to the ruins in Gaza after the IDF and air force bombed their way through. It isn't hate speech, which MBK hasn't posted any evidence to support his claim. It isn't anti semitic to call the actions of Netanyahu's Zionist thugs a war crime...

I have made no analysis of the source. I have deliberately avoided posting in your thread which has a clear motive.

JohnD is arguing that comparing jews to nazis is not illegal:

Statement: Comparing Jews with Nazis is listed as a hate crime, it is very much against the law
Reply: Not in a UK law

The poor old fool, is digging in, again and again.

Do you think being compared to or called a Nazi is a complement?
Do you think that it wouldn't be insulting to be compared to the group that murdered 6M of your people?
Do you think making such a comparison would not be seen as inciting hatred towards the people you are discussing?

I can see why he wants to pretend its not against the law, he'd be confessing to a crime.
Like i said, it isn't anti-semitic or illegal to compare the actions of Netanyahu's policies in Gaza.
And there he goes again..

He can see the law, one assumes he's read the law.. but he continues to argue it doesn't exist.
Thanks, I'm pleased to see you now admit that filly was not telling the truth.

Comparing Jews with Nazis is listed as a hate crime, it is very much against the law

Not in a UK law
Here are some examples of comparisons.

"Judaism is a religion, and the NDSAP was a political party. Being a member of a religion is not the same as being a member of a political party."

"The Nazi-dominated government of Germany in the late 1930's and early 1940's had policies that discriminated against Jews and led to them being attacked, losing their homes and land, and in many cases their lives. The Likud-dominated government of Israel has policies that discriminate against Palestinians and leads to them being attacked, losing their homes and land, and in many cases their lives."
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