Nurse Lucy Letby charged with 8 counts of murder and 10 counts of attempted murder

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It's really sad when you have to fact check anything and everything some people say. :rolleyes:
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Stop serving and diverting then and admit how many jurors there were on the Lucy Letby case.
I've shown you the link I've found.

Stand up and provide yours, or stop diverting.

Or just accept what people think of fillyfacts
A 12th juror was previously unable to continue and discharged for "good personal reasons".

Fillyfacts again...

That they are twelve ordinary people, like all juries?
So they started off with 12, just like any normal jury, which Noseall said. But during the trial they were reduced to 11 because one had to leave.
Instead of explaining exactly what you meant, you deliberately suggested that 11 was the normal amount of Jurors. :rolleyes:
Instead of explaining exactly what you meant, you deliberately suggested that 11 was the normal amount of Jurors. :rolleyes:

Wrong. Where did I say that? any fool knows a jury is comprised of 12 people. I simply stated there were 11 on the Letby case, and you and Carman got yourselves into a frenzy thinking you had one over on me, bit like 10 names with the Arab draft in Israel.

Carry on making fools of yourselves, it's all good fun.
Wrong. Where did I say that? any fool knows a jury is comprised of 12 people. I simply stated there were 11 on the Letby case, and you and Carman got yourselves into a frenzy thinking you had one over on me, bit like 10 names with the Arab draft in Israel.

Carry on making fools of yourselves, it's all good fun.
In your imagination.
Noseall said there are 12 jurors normally, like all juries.
That they are twelve ordinary people, like all juries?
You said 11 without specifying any extraordinary jury. Nor that any specific jury was reduced for any reason. You even quoted Noseall's post.
I didn't add it to his quote. He used the words, "like any juries". That means normally. :rolleyes:

That's not what you said.

In your imagination.
Noseall said there are 12 jurors normally, like all juries.

Whereas nosy said:
That they are twelve ordinary people, like all juries?

And the words 'like all juries?' has been phrased as a question, I can tell because it has a question mark after it.
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