Old Conservatives don't understand

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’ve already shown how councils can build new houses sell them under right to buy and have enough money to repeat the process

Thatcher prevented councils building new council houses houses.

So are you saying you disagree with Conservative policy
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I’ve already shown how councils can build new houses sell them under right to buy and have enough money to repeat the process.
A lot of council/HA's business plans are 30 years long. You lose a property, you also lose 30 years of income in the books. It isn't a straight bricks and mortar cost.
A house can be built in 20 weeks. And it costs less than half of its retail value. Next argument
Why. When the council/government can easily make the scheme work not to mention housing needy people is what we pay taxes for.
Does it?

You don’t get land at half retail value.

You might get build cost for less, but build cost and land cost are often around the same
Yes. Have you seen the margins on new builds I posted a link already. More than 50% gross profit.
Just abuse then. No evidence to back up your argument.
no abuse required.

I simply commented on your deliberate and dishonest misuse of "poorest and most needy."

Have you always been dishonest?
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