Well the facts are that people who think like you are NOT the majority which is why the moron BNP and UKIP get such p$ss poor results at election time
I think you'd be surprised at what the vast majority of people in this country are actually thinking, Spacejunk.
They are being led to believe that if they have prejudices of any sort then they are wrong for having those prejudices.
Wake up Spacetw@t We all have prejudices. I like to eat meat almost every day. Some don't eat meat at all, yet they don't try to change my mind about eating an animal do they?
Some take it to an extreme and won't even wear anything made out of an animal, whether it's a leather shoe or a fur coat. That's their choice.
Biggest problem today is, our choices are slowly being taken away from us, by people who
think they speak for the majority. Which they obviously don't. They are unwilling ,or , unable to realise that they are only promoting their ideals on the rest of us.
Labour promoted a hidden agenda of Social Engineering on a grand scale, unheard of in recent history. They kow towed to Europe and the rest of the world. "Send us your unwanted." Life in the UK is great." " Don't worry about working, we have laws that will ensure you never have to work again." "The taxpayers will pick up the tab, and when we run out of cash, we'll borrow heavily from the rest of the world."
The political mantra of deluded idiots.
Read the title of this thread over and over. That's what this thread is supposed to be about. The UK is bursting at the seams. How many more biscuits can we fit in the barrel? Or a more modern analogy. "How much more rubbish can we get in the wheelie bin?"