Overcrowded Britain

  • Thread starter cumbriahandyman
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And the fundamental basis of being a Christian is to abide by the teachings of the Bible. And have you read the Bible? In fact the Bible's Old Testament forms the first half of the Koran...

As an atheist I have zero interest in either, but yes I was made to read the bible many years ago.

I must admit I don't remember the bit, in the bible, about kill all non-believers, and the ultimate goal being world domination. :D
Trust me, you won't get a more fervent athiest than me, but I'm definitely not of the opinion that you can lump all Muslims together, just the same as you can't lump all Christians together.
Believe me, I don't for a minute believe that we should pander to people of any religion, regarding their religious rights, but I'm also tolerant enough to realise that not all Muslims want world domination :rolleyes: , they just want to live an honest life.
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My house is an ex-council property, as all the houses on the street. The area is what they call up-and-coming, many people have refurbished or are refurbishing their houses. There are 3 properties though rented to people on benefits, all of them British.

One is rented to an old lady. It is not the best use of the tax-payers money to pay a rent of a 3-bedroom house for a single person but it is not the lady's fault. She is a good neighbour - friendly, polite, and helpful, at one occasion she called the police when some yobous tried to climb the fence of a neighbouring property.

The other 2 are completely different story. The family living opposite my house has a numerous children, I am not sure about the exact number as there are always people coming and going, apparently some of them are nephews or children’s friends. None of them can speak even understandable English, I witnessed several occasions when other native British couldn't understand them. We "enjoy" listening to screams and quarrels on regular basis. They can drop their waste in somebody else's rubbish bins without asking permission, which often creates problems for the owners of the bin (we have separate waste collection for recyclables and green waste but these people don't bother to use the right bin).

The other DSS family have a party wall with one of my neighbours. The neighbours had to call the police several times because of the noise and loud music from the rented property during the night. They tried first to ask them to reduce the volume but to no avail. The neighbours are (were) a retired couple and the man had cancer at that time. Unfortunately he had to spend his last months putting up with these brainless idiots behind the wall. Finally all the complaints the wife filed led to an eviction order and the council is looking for a place to re-home the hooligans.

Now - a question for everybody. Who would you prefer to be your neighbour:

a) nice, polite, friendly, working immigrants, who don't cause any troubles


b) native British scum like this


Looking forward to hear your thoughts on the matter.

EDIT: spelling mistakes :oops:
nice, polite, friendly, working immigrants, who don't cause any troubles


b) native British scam like this

I would prefer neither. The UK doesn't need polite friendly immigrants at the moment imo.
About 50% of Irelands immigrants are reported to have gone home as there is no work and the young native people are leaving the shores by the thousand.

As for native scum theres plenty of those. Local brainless youths stoned a gritting lorry last week smashing the windscreen and injured the driver.
The council manager is now considering removing the gritting service from the area. :(

If it was possible though I'd be happy to see the "nice, polite, friendly, working immigrants" planted into the native scums homes and the latter shipped off to some desolate pacific island.
If it was possible though I'd be happy to see the "nice, polite, friendly, working immigrants" planted into the native scums homes and the latter shipped off to some desolate pacific island.

Unfortunately there are not many islands left but I would like the LA to have their own properties in a desolate area and to accommodate the troublemakers there. The 2 families I described get on very well with each other and don't communicate with the rest of the neighbourhood. Why not provide them with an environment they would be happy with :mrgreen:
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If it was possible though I'd be happy to see the "nice, polite, friendly, working immigrants" planted into the native scums homes and the latter shipped off to some desolate pacific island.
Why give them a Pacific island? They don't deserve decent weather!

We did much the same thing 200 odd years ago...would have been much better if everyone else had gone to Australia and left the criminals here!!
I'd prefer that the native scum were shipped out to mid Atlantic and thrown over the side. (preferably without a life raft or safety helmet).
i would of loved to be alive when we first climbed down from the trees.

oi **** off im going somwhere new and starting my own way of life. obv there will/could be other reasons as to why the homo sapien decided to travel from africa to all four corners of the globe and again as to why the majority of our descendents did not decide to travel south when the glaciers were about and so on.

comes down to the fact that a certain part of our current population do not and will not follow our laws, co habit and socialize with the majority (be it white british/black british/brown british and so on again) of the people of britian.

yea were all human but we all have our own areas. these areas were set out because certain folk back in the day did not get along.

Like **** will i go without drink and all other experiments in life and instead live by some ancient text!

space pric k . no i do not understand why certain folk wish to live there lives like this and TBH i couldn't give a toss if they do, just do not trying pushing your way of life onto mine without even consultating me before hand.

i do not eat halal and never will knowingly because i do not believe an animal should be killed in such a ?inhumane? way.

atleast nock the focker out so it doesn't fell the pain.
i would of loved to be alive when we first climbed down from the trees.

oi **** off im going somwhere new and starting my own way of life. obv there will/could be other reasons as to why the homo sapien decided to travel from africa to all four corners of the globe and again as to why the majority of our descendents did not decide to travel south when the glaciers were about and so on.

comes down to the fact that a certain part of our current population do not and will not follow our laws, co habit and socialize with the majority (be it white british/black british/brown british and so on again) of the people of britian.

yea were all human but we all have our own areas. these areas were set out because certain folk back in the day did not get along.

Like **** will i go without drink and all other experiments in life and instead live by some ancient text!

space pric k . no i do not understand why certain folk wish to live there lives like this and TBH i couldn't give a toss if they do, just do not trying pushing your way of life onto mine without even consultating me before hand.

i do not eat halal and never will knowingly because i do not believe an animal should be killed in such a ?inhumane? way.

atleast nock the focker out so it doesn't fell the pain.

I think you are going SENILE
SpaceCake...... Seeing as this thread was originally about immigration BUT you've relentlessly thrown the words BIGOTRY and RACISM about.........

Explain this, ......

Verse 9:123 - "Believers, make war on the infidels who dwell around you."

Qur’an:9:5 “Fight and kill the disbelievers wherever you find them, take them captive, harass them, lie in wait and ambush them using every stratagem of war.”

Qur’an:8:39 “Fight them until all opposition ends and all submit to Allah.”

Qur’an:8:39 “So fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief [non-Muslims]) and all submit to the religion of Allah alone (in the whole world).”

And they live among us. :LOL: :LOL:

Don't suppose the word CRUSADE means anything to you then?

When was the last time a Muslim country invaded a NON muslim country?

Its funny you slag off MUSLIMS but you are TOTALLY dependent on them for your oil and they prop up this country with their investments.

Brits cant wait to run off to Dubai to try and earn some MUSLIM cash

or sell BILLIONS of pounds of ARMS to rich Arab nations

Without MUSLIMS this country you are so keen to to keep BRIT only would be a BROKE washed up pile of SH***te

especially if we had to rely on people like you for the brains to run it
Some happy warm cuddly Bible quotes for yah

The LORD is a jealous God, filled with vengeance and wrath. He takes revenge on all who oppose him and furiously destroys his enemies!

"I have wiped out many nations, devastating their fortress walls and towers. Their cities are now deserted; their streets are in silent ruin. There are no survivors to even tell what happened. I thought, 'Surely they will have reverence for me now! Surely they will listen to my warnings, so I won't need to strike again.'

All the earth will be devoured by the fire of my jealousy. "On that day I will purify the lips of all people, so that everyone will be able to worship the LORD together

You must destroy all the nations the LORD your God hands over to you. Show them no mercy and do not worship their gods

not hard to quote stuff is it
"Multicultralism hasn't worked---Cameron. We shouldn't work with extremist muslim groups in our midst" So the someone has finally acknowleged that rainbow Britain isn't working.
Time to send muslims to a country where they'd fit in and they can all live the way they want together, in the 13th century.

For Spacecat

I think Egypt and Syria, both muslim countries, have in recent memory tried to invade Israel. They didn't suceed, no surprise there as they are useless. The reason that there have been no more recent muslim invasions is because they are to idle and useless to have the motivation to do so. They are however good at civil wars, blowing up their own infrastructure and then trying to live in the resultant mess where they seem happiest. They are also good at attacking unarmed civilians, Bombay, or kidnapping people and then cutting off their heads when in a big enough group to feel brave. Fighting wars though not so good.

The muslims have all the oil because after ww2 the Americans made everyone who had taken over the countries where the muslims are give these countries back to them so they could slide back into the 13th century where muslims feel happy. Even with all the oil revenue they still can't make anything of what they have because they are generally useless and corrupt not being helped by their restrictive religion.
If you also check i think you'd find Russia and Argentina aren't muslim countries but none the less produce oil.
"Multicultralism hasn't worked---Cameron. We shouldn't work with extremist muslim groups in our midst" So the someone has finally acknowleged that rainbow Britain isn't working.
Time to send muslims to a country where they'd fit in and they can all live the way they want together, in the 13th century.

What about the millions of Non extremist muslims even the psuedo prime minister recognizes the difference.
@ hi1

Recent memory = 1949!

How many countries have the US and UK invaded since then
Israel is not exactly blameless either
The Uk is totally dependent on muslim countries financially
Had a war with argentina and the russians have you by the balls for gas

Can't tell them apart so to be safe rather than sorry send them all away. They obviously can't or won't police themselves within U.K laws and customs. No intergration there then.
Glad you acknowledge that there are millions, where did they all come from. Do you think that all these people would have come here if it weren't for the free housing, health care and education?
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