Islam per se is not to be feared...Isljamic fundamentalism and Sharia Law is more of an issue...
any extremism should be feared as history has taught us
Islam per se is not to be feared...Isljamic fundamentalism and Sharia Law is more of an issue...
Islam per se is not to be feared...Islamic fundamentalism and Sharia Law is more of an issue...
any extremism should be feared as history has taught us
You t##ts complain about ANYONE who isn't white british try reading the thread and your own comments
Spacepeprat, I am neither white nor British, neither are all Islamic members.
Spacepeprat, I am neither white nor British, neither are all Islamic members.
So you should be on the first boat out
Couldn't agree more...Islam per se is not to be feared...Islamic fundamentalism and Sharia Law is more of an issue...
any extremism should be feared as history has taught us
Again, it's the fundamentalists who have to be feared. Many, many Muslims are as moderate as the average Christian. A Muslim I worked with was perfectly happy for his daughter to have a part in her school's nativity play
SpaceCake...... Seeing as this thread was originally about immigration BUT you've relentlessly thrown the words BIGOTRY and RACISM about.........
Explain this, ......
Verse 9:123 - "Believers, make war on the infidels who dwell around you."
Qur’an:9:5 “Fight and kill the disbelievers wherever you find them, take them captive, harass them, lie in wait and ambush them using every stratagem of war.”
Qur’an:8:39 “Fight them until all opposition ends and all submit to Allah.”
Qur’an:8:39 “So fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief [non-Muslims]) and all submit to the religion of Allah alone (in the whole world).”
And they live among us.
Again, it's the fundamentalists who have to be feared. Many, many Muslims are as moderate as the average Christian. A Muslim I worked with was perfectly happy for his daughter to have a part in her school's nativity play
And the fundamental basis of being a Christian is to abide by the teachings of the Bible. And have you read the Bible? In fact the Bible's Old Testament forms the first half of the Koran...Again, it's the fundamentalists who have to be feared. Many, many Muslims are as moderate as the average Christian. A Muslim I worked with was perfectly happy for his daughter to have a part in her school's nativity play
I disagree Ronny,
The fundamental basis of being a muslim is to abide by the teachings of the koran. i.e. Oppose and KILL any f*cker that disbelieves.
Dominate the world. That kind of thing.
Now of course, the extent of how literally these people wish to interpret that b*llocks, depends on the individual. But the FACT remains.
And the fundamental basis of being a Christian is to abide by the teachings of the Bible. And have you read the Bible? In fact the Bible's Old Testament forms the first half of the Koran...