Overcrowded Britain

  • Thread starter cumbriahandyman
  • Start date
Just watched the films: seems like they were put together by Labour-bashing Torys.

Say no more.
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We did have a war with Argentina, Falklands ring any bells, we won that one. :rolleyes:

muslims invest their money in this country because thet perceive it to be safe, what with our laws and sense of fairplay, so when it kicks off in their own countries and the next corrupt regime takes over there is somewhere nice and safe to run to. How do these people manage to balance this investment with their religions forbiddence regarding making interest from the money? Perhaps they have dispensation.
I meant millions the world over not in the uk of which the majority are non extreme

What has winning a got to do with it they won't exactly love you will they

The idea that the UK its some non corruptible haven for investment and morals
Is laughable

Whatever the reason for investmentthe UK is Dependant on muslim countries

Bottom line...get over it
I'd suggest people actually watch the film all the way through. The film is about net immigration into this country. An almost open door policy introduced by Labour. Look at the amount of people in Calais trying to get across that thin stretch of water. Under EU directive 2004/37, every member state has a responsibility to house immigrants and asylum seekers. Yet most EU states ignore this directive. France being the biggest culprit.
I have not heard anyone here calling for the French to live up to their responsibilities.
How many EU countries do these immigrants pass through to get to the UK?

Why do you think that this is?

Do you think it's fair and equitable that the UK should accept this situation?

Come on, there are some on here that preach fairness etc. Let's see those posters decry the French for their attitude to these asylum seekers.
I don't see or hear spacecat moaning about the French deporting Roma's, as they have done recently. Yet anyone on here that calls for the deportation of immigrants from this island is immediately met with cries of racism and bigotry.

Why is this sort of attitude so prevalent in the UK? Simply because the population have been conditioned to believe in multiculturalism. Dare to speak out about immigration, or raise concerns and your labelled racist.
David Cameron has stated that multiculturalism has not worked.
What we now need is a moratorium on immigration whilst government agencies seek some way to move forward.
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Yeah but David Cameron is a stupid tory C#!t who couldn't outright win an election any half decent oppostion party should have walked

And his policies are already backfiring oh and he lets huge companies like vodash##te
Off paying 6 billion in tax..complain about that
What is the long term expectation for house prices? Assuming we didn't have immigration, the only way is obviously downwards.

However, I am unsure on what impact immigration will have on house prices, if immigrants have no money they will be reliant on handouts, which possibly will also drive prices down.

House prices? Our housing stock is overpriced, the 'value' of our homes has been driven up by nice people in suits, estate agents, and the underlying culture of greed, a bubble effect. Hence the crisis in the banking sector, too many borrowing what they can't afford and to easy made loans often on properties that didn't exist or were over valued by other nice people in suits also grabbing what they could. Take this country's fixation with property values to the extreme and you end up with the Irish situation.
At present there are currently about 200000 vacant /empty properties in this country which have no apparent owner or the owner doesn't give a stuff about so obviously they are not concerned about whether prices rise or fall. We also have tens of thousand families in bed and breakfast accomodation funded by the taxpayer, do we not have the will to marry the two up, make laws stop this stupidity.

Looprevil- no immigrants equals no handouts therefore saving the taxpayers money for something useful like nurses or doctors. Sending the ones we have back from whence they came would save even more in the long term. We live on an island surrounded by water how much easier can it get to secure and police our borders?
I don't disagree with you hi1, you are picking up on my very thoughts.

However, think about it, assuming all things being equal, in the long term house prices will fall. In years to come when all those people who were born in the 'baby boom' era are deceased, we will have a massive surplus of housing. They are now starting to draw their pensions which is a big financial burden on the country, but once they pop their cloggs fewer house will be required, less demand and surplus stock will drive prices down.

My apologies to any baby boomers - no offence meant.

Fellow forum members, most of you have your ideas about immigration from the media. Don't forget that for the media in 99% of the cases only the bad news is news. And after reading an article in a newspaper about a business project I worked for, I take everything with a pinch of salt - the article was full of factual errors.

Anyway, about immigration - there are different kind of immigrants. Not everybody come here because of the free housing, etc. There are countries which citizens don't need visas or any other documents to live and work in UK - mainly West-European and Common Wealth countries in the past, in the recent years some East-European countries fell into this category. Also there are countries, which citizens can apply for asylum but I don't have much knowledge about this, as I don't know any asylum seeker.

The rest of the world population needs visas to enter and work permits to work in UK. A work permit is given only if the employer proves that they can't find a British citizen for the job position. And it is given for a limited number of years and for a particular job position. The work permit holders can not work anywhere else. They are not eligible for benefits of any kind.

What often happens is - the employer either has high requirements about the qualification of the applicants, or offers a low salary, or both - as a result no British want the job and it is offered to a foreigner. After the end of the contract, if the employer has other similar projects, they offer a new contract to the foreign employee and apply for extension of the work permit and the visa. After some number of years the work permit holder can apply for a permanent visa, which allows them and their families to stay in UK and to work wherever they want. I am not sure if they are eligible for any benefits at that stage.

After some more years, they can apply for a UK citizenship. As far as my knowledge goes, the system is similar for most of the countries in Europe and America.

In the case of the Syrian chap I wrote about earlier - he came here as a student to do his PhD studies. After he got the PhD, there was a job position, which no one else wanted, it was offered to him, then the scenario developed as described above and now he is a citizen. Do he and his family cost anything to the British taxpayers? I am not sure about the figures but maybe not. The British taxpayers didn't spend anything for his education, as he got his MSc in Syria. The Syrian government paid for his PhD. I believe it costs not less than 15000 a year for overseas students in that university. So for 4 years it makes at least 60000 in the UK budget. During this time he paid a rent and didn't receive any benefits. After being offered a job as a work permit holder, he didn't receive any benefits either. I think about the time he got his citizenship, he got also a mortgage and bought a house. He still works and pay taxes.

The reason I mentioned him in a previous post was because of his attitude about living on benefits. He believes that it is SHAMEFUL not to work. Despite his qualification he is prepared to work on minimum wages if it comes to this than to stay home.

In a parallel topic about the dole queue a British forum member told us that he does not work because if he takes a minimum wage job, it wouldn't provide him with the lifestyle he has living on benefits. Here is a cultural difference to think about.

The problem of the general British public is not only that it has been conditioned to believe in multiculturalism. Unfortunately it has also been conditioned to believe that it is OK not to work. It is absolutely ridiculous that people can be better off living on benefits that working. The worst thing is that this develops certain mentality, that is passed to the next generation.

Do you think children, who grows up in families where nobody works would be motivated to get decent education, a job, or to make any effort in general? Why should they do so? All they see is that mum and dad get money on regular basis while doing nothing. The most likely scenario is they will follow their parents' example. Who would work then - perhaps more immigrants?
House prices should fall, the people needed to drive the market, first time buyers, can't get a foot on the ladder, instead they rent. Who provides the rental market? Those with money to spare who can afford to start the process of buying more than one property. Once you have the property get someone in there on housing benefit, an immigrant say, so in effect the taxpayer pays your mortgage. Sell the house in due course, or several if you're really smart, and this is your pension fund, again taxfree as your main residence is tax free and i'm sure that can be sorted, ask an M.P if in doubt. Problems start when the housing market stagnates, to few people with too little money chasing too many houses, oh dear my pension won't be as much as i liked. But are there too many houses solely because they were built for those who can to abuse the situation or because they were needed?

Spacecat - i agree with you why how can these companies avoid paying U.K income tax. You want to trade here then pay, if you won't pay then f**k off out of it, go trade somewhere else. The infrastructure should be taken into public ownership, the workers in the company are already making it work and they can't pull up sticks, make sure the bills are paid, the wages paid and distribute the profits amongst the owners, you and me.
vv2806- so why hasn't your man taken his phd back to Syria and used it to the benefit of whomsoever paid the costs of obtaining it?
There should be a visa system for people who come here to work, it should be rigourously policed and enforced so that when the visa expires back they go. How many are here now illegalily, either skipped off their work visa or student visa. How many are fuelling the black economy and being exploited? What kind of enforcement is being undertaken. Why does it take so long to actually deport anyone, why is there legal aid available, nice earner for solicitors, for deportees. Why can't they appeal from the place they have been sent back to?

E.U nationals allowed to work and settle where they want, opt out, nation states can opt out of E.U laws they don't want to abide by.

I agree there needs to be a mind set change amongst British people regarding their work ethic and how they behave towards and with their fellow citizens. If their lives were made unpleasant by their behaviour, eviction from their council or housing association properties within a week, complaint to action, no other accomodation offered, prisons which were a deterrent and vocational education offered and provided to those who are better suited to that type of work. No more education system training people to work in offices only.
A sense of worth to those who work with their hands, no blue collar white collar, and more importantly a proper living wage.
hello again, house prices wont fall much further, the likes of me, i remorgaged my house after being made redundant in 2005, this gave me 120k to play with and she woundn't let me buy a new m/bike so i bought another 3 houses, i can't sell because i'll lose money so untill things change i'll rent them out. the bank of england printed off some £200 billion over the last few yrs. analyst claim this will have a knock on effect for wages as we come out of rescession, i think the 1st to go on strike will be tanker drivers, baggage handlers at airports and maybe rail workers, befor you ridicule this lets see what happens over the next 6months.
hello again, house prices wont fall much further, the likes of me, i remorgaged my house after being made redundant in 2005, this gave me 120k to play with and she woundn't let me buy a new m/bike so i bought another 3 houses, i can't sell because i'll lose money so untill things change i'll rent them out. the bank of england printed off some £200 billion over the last few yrs. analyst claim this will have a knock on effect for wages as we come out of rescession, i think the 1st to go on strike will be tanker drivers, baggage handlers at airports and maybe rail workers, befor you ridicule this lets see what happens over the next 6months.

Pred, I believe house prices will fall as previously mentioned, see comments re baby boomers. (If the population falls it will leave a clut of properties when they are all deceased).

hi1 - as fas as I know, he wasn't desperate to find a job here, it was offered to him, so he decided to stay for some time. I suppose eventually he would go back. Syria is not an oil country, the average monthly wages there are equal to about £200-300, and the prices for food and other everyday necessities are not much different from here. If he had taken a job there, it would be years before he would even think of buying his own property. From what he told me, they don't have this system of mortgages we have here, you have to have most of the money to be able to buy. He also said, they called an estate agent to evaluate the house, and the news were not good - if he sells now, he can't repay whatever is left of his mortgage to the bank, which means he is forced to stay by the circumstances.

As I said earlier, there is a visa system for people who come here to work. But if they are offered several contracts in a row and work in the country for some number of years, they can apply for a permanent visa. As for enforcing the low, I completely agree with you that the system fails to to so.

If the EU nationals are not allowed to settle, it should work both ways - the British shouldn't be allowed to buy properties and settle abroad either.
And what about international marriages? Should they be fforbiddentoo?
lou, i'm a techno phobe according to my son so am unable to bring down previous quotes, and only type about 5 letters per min. i have given the baby boomers some thought but on the other hand we are desparately short of housing in this country, i'm also pretty shore most of the money is in the hands of the few, someone out there can surely give us % figures and lets get some of our cash back off the bankers
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