Peaceful anti racism protests dwarf far right

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The riots are purely racial and anti Muslim and in terms of attacks on businesses anyone of colour. The earlier one before the stabbings was something entirely different however some assumed the usual race aspects.
You are correct but not everyone was the far right and rioting, just like the counter demonstrations where not everyone was from the far left.
No, there are more issues than just immigration. The conservative government screwed a lot of things up. My fear is that Labour government won’t fix anything and will make it worse.
That's future, not present.

You clearly said.....Things are going badly for this government after just 4 weeks in power.

That's the right wing making the riots political. Nothing to do with what they were claimed to be about.

Led by farage and robinson
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That's future, not present.

You clearly said.....Things are going badly for this government after just 4 weeks in power.

That's the right wing making the riots political. Nothing to do with what they were claimed to be about.

Led by farage and robinson
Similarities with the US Capital Hill riots?
That's future, not present.

You clearly said.....Things are going badly for this government after just 4 weeks in power.

That's the right wing making the riots political. Nothing to do with what they were claimed to be about.

Led by farage and robinson
Whether it be the right or the left these demonstrations and riots will be used politically.
Whether it be the right or the left these demonstrations and riots will be used politically.

And it was the right.

And Labour have handled things well so far. Might not be so true in the future but trying to say things are going badly for them right now, just confirms how political you saw the riots.

Attacking law and order, nothing to do with the incorrect (lies) claims.

And it was the right.

And Labour have handled things well so far. Might not be so true in the future but trying to say things are going badly for them right now, just confirms how political you saw the riots.

Attacking law and order, nothing to do with the incorrect (lies) claims.
Did you not also see the politics? You must have based on your post.
You are correct but not everyone was the far right and rioting
I've mentioned that before. Some from all parties are likely to have been drawn in.

However what lot would falsely implicate boat people immediately. I think the why on that is pretty obvious. They want as many riots in as many cities as possible. In fact there are reports that they have actually said that. Maybe discussions on social media. Up pops a situation to do exactly that.

The boats have been in the news a lot with all sorts of "factors" thrown in from the sidelines even on this forum. They do this, they do that and etc. A solution is needed as numbers need to be limited. Talking about death in the channel is an aspect but the real need is to reduce numbers, That took a while when they were coming here in other ways - HGV's etc.
Rwanda scheme
I think Starmer has already given us a clue - numbers
“Journalists have been visiting the initial accommodation that we have secured since the beginning of the partnership. This is Hope Hostel. That particular facility is able to take up to 200 people.
“However, we have already started initial discussions with other facilities around Kigali and further afield and these will be firmed up and signed once we know how many migrants are coming and when they are coming,” she added. “So it has never been the case that we can only take 200 initially, that has been a misconception.”

But referred to (by all the news outlets) as 'far right riots' all the same. (y)
Yes, the left wing media did concentrate a lot on the far right and rioting and correctly so as there is no doubt the far right were to blame.

The media, and you, are ignoring the influence of the far left in the counter demonstrations which were predictably fairly peaceful other than some antisemetic chanting.
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