Peaceful anti racism protests dwarf far right

I think there are two different things going on. There is a large amount of discontent in the country. But the rioters were from the far right.
I agree that the violence was started by the far right but within those rioters there is likely to be people that got caught up in the violence and joined in for criminal purposes but there were also demonstrators that took no part in the violence that wanted to express their discontent but the message was obliterated by the violence. The big question is will the government recognise that there is a problem that needs to be discussed and addressed or have the far right given them an excuse to ignore the problem completely. Things are going badly for this government after just 4 weeks in power.
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How much more pandering to racist idiots do we need?

This was all started by someone falsely claiming that three children were murdered by an illegal immigrant.

Even when it was clear that it was all based on lies they continued and escalated. Because it was just an excuse for racist thugs to threaten and attack minorities they don't like.

There's nothing you can give the far right to stop them trying to wreck the country except expelling anyone and everyone who isn't sufficiently white.

We should be listening to the victims of this, not their attackers.
How much more pandering to racist idiots do we need?

This was all started by someone falsely claiming that three children were murdered by an illegal immigrant.

Even when it was clear that it was all based on lies they continued and escalated. Because it was just an excuse for racist thugs to threaten and attack minorities they don't like.

There's nothing you can give the far right to stop them trying to wreck the country except expelling anyone and everyone who isn't sufficiently white.

We should be listening to the victims of this, not their attackers.

From the river to the sea, the UK will be free.

Great speech IT, but my recollection is that the riots started several days if not a week before the fake news story.
I'm all for banning fake new and lies, but promulgating more fake news and lies might not be the best approach.

Just saying.

edit: apologies, having fact checked the first riot did occur after the fake news story.
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Are you saying immigration and small boat arrivals are not being discussed?

No, there are more issues than just immigration. The conservative government screwed a lot of things up. My fear is that Labour government won’t fix anything and will make it worse.
No, there are more issues than just immigration.
The riots are purely racial and anti Muslim and in terms of attacks on businesses anyone of colour. The earlier one before the stabbings was something entirely different however some assumed the usual race aspects.
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