


Grrrrrrr³ !!
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kendor said:
Freddie said:
chambsesf said:
This all seems to have become quite vitriolic, with particular (and unfair) criticism directed at David & Julie.

Exactly it seems anyone can have an opinion here except me and david and julie, perhaps someone should stop Kendors giro then he may stop being an a******e
you are talking out of your a******e
i've never drawn a giro, have you?
and your above comment is exactly what i think you two do to any of my comments so therefore if you two don't like it back don't dish it in the first place.

Whoops i think i struck a nerve, perhaps he has been means tested recently :LOL:
pipme said:


Grrrrrrr³ !!

Kendor Nagasaki was a wrestler who entertained people on a saturday afternoon

Sadly our Kendor would call him a sycho thug for wanting to fight someone for entertainment, perhaps thats where he got his name from, perhaps our Kendor is one of those screaming blue rinsed ladies who always hogged the front row shouting obsenaties at Jackie Palo and Giant Haystacks.

Kind of fits though doesnt it, looks like i was wrong about dole money, i should have said pension and incontenance knickers, yep thats it i can see him now, no teeth, a pearl necklace, support tights and reeking of stale p i ss
chambsesf said:
This all seems to have become quite vitriolic, with particular (and unfair) criticism directed at David & Julie.
Are you sure you don't mean Kendor ? :D
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Freddie said:
pipme said:


Grrrrrrr³ !!

Kendor Nagasaki was a wrestler who entertained people on a saturday afternoon

Sadly our Kendor would call him a sycho thug for wanting to fight someone for entertainment, perhaps thats where he got his name from, perhaps our Kendor is one of those screaming blue rinsed ladies who always hogged the front row shouting obsenaties at Jackie Palo and Giant Haystacks.

Kind of fits though doesnt it, looks like i was wrong about dole money, i should have said pension and incontenance knickers, yep thats it i can see him now, no teeth, a pearl necklace, support tights and reeking of stale p i ss
sounds like your ideal woman freddie? ;) is that the missus you are talking about? :LOL: oh and by the way you are wrong, kendor nagasaki was never a wrestler his name was kendo.
get your fact right please!! :rolleyes:
Freddie said:
I thought the R was for your second name = ****** ???
very good freddie bet that took a while for you to come up with, glad to see the therapy is having an effect, when do you think they will allow you progress to useing crayons?
kendor said:
Freddie said:
I thought the R was for your second name = ****** ???
very good freddie bet that took a while for you to come up with, glad to see the therapy is having an effect, when do you think they will allow you progress to useing crayons?

When i have finished my janet and john books stupid dont you know anything
Freddie said:
kendor said:
Freddie said:
I thought the R was for your second name = ****** ???
very good freddie bet that took a while for you to come up with, glad to see the therapy is having an effect, when do you think they will allow you progress to useing crayons?

When i have finished my janet and john books stupid dont you know anything
now i know you are lying, they are for 4yrs+ :LOL:
oh hang on a minute of course, they give them to you to rip up to vent all that anger inside you.
kendor said:
Freddie said:
kendor said:
Freddie said:
I thought the R was for your second name = ****** ???
very good freddie bet that took a while for you to come up with, glad to see the therapy is having an effect, when do you think they will allow you progress to useing crayons?

When i have finished my janet and john books stupid dont you know anything
now i know you are lying, they are for 4yrs+ :LOL:
oh hang on a minute of course, they give them to you to rip up to vent all that anger inside you.

No i just do that to your box of rusks now feck off
Freddie said:
kendor said:
Freddie said:
kendor said:
Freddie said:
I thought the R was for your second name = ****** ???
very good freddie bet that took a while for you to come up with, glad to see the therapy is having an effect, when do you think they will allow you progress to useing crayons?

When i have finished my janet and john books stupid dont you know anything
now i know you are lying, they are for 4yrs+ :LOL:
oh hang on a minute of course, they give them to you to rip up to vent all that anger inside you.

No i just do that to your box of rusks now feck off
want milk with them? ;) have we both exhausted ourselves with the banter yet? want a truce? was fun but it can get a bit tedious having to type one liners when there are other posts to answer.
i'll leave the ball in your court as they say.
I'll just wait for another thread but its all politics at the moment and i am politiced out, so wait for another.
Freddie said:
I'll just wait for another thread but its all politics at the moment and i am politiced out, so wait for another.
I agree, I not sure if i was responsible for starting this whole political fiasco off with my immigration and the tories post? or was the political stance long before that? If it was me i apologise and agree wholeheartedly that it has brought a boring feeling to the forum in recent times, got so bored at one point i took a break, but it also led to punchups which at times have been extremely entertaining and certainly let off a lot of steam!
In the end we all have our views on things and disagree, it just seems that politics brings out the Road rage in people :)
should we make this forum a politically free zone?
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