
freddie said:
Oh really, still nothing constuctive and try to laugh it off lets see-----

I was actually laughing at you, not with you. Constructive, well, all you have done is rant on and not offered a real solution and my comments are my opinions of you proposed actions.

So, what would you do then Freddie? You say you would take revenge, but when I quote you, you say you were joking. Would you round up a gang and hunt them down, or would big brave Freddie go looking all by himself, infiltrate the gang and wipe them all out cos he's big and hard and everyone, including the gangs fear him? Would you take a weapon, a gun, knife or bat maybe? Hmm, sounds like you've been watching too many Charles Bronson or Sylvester Stalone movies to me. If reporting a crime to the Police makes me a coward, then fair enough, i'll join the majority of cowards who support law and order.
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Igorian said:
So, what would you do then Freddie? You say you would take revenge, but when I quote you, you say you were joking. Would you round up a gang and hunt them down, or would big brave Freddie go looking all by himself, infiltrate the gang and wipe them all out cos he's big and hard and everyone, including the gangs fear him? Would you take a weapon, a gun, knife or bat maybe? Hmm, sounds like you've been watching too many Charles Bronson or Sylvester Stalone movies to me. If reporting a crime to the Police makes me a coward, then fair enough, i'll join the majority of cowards who support law and order.

I told you you should have read the posts before commenting, it is reported to the police and they have said they no longer have the resorses to do anything, so you are helpless. so you have a chopice st back and accept this stuff or do something----i dont know what i would do, i hope i am never in that situation but if they demanded money off me i would pay twice as much for someone to take care of them anything is better than you attitude which only feeds their monster and then it grows
Freddie said:
I told you you should have read the posts before commenting, it is reported to the police and they have said they no longer have the resorses to do anything, so you are helpless. so you have a chopice st back and accept this stuff or do something----i dont know what i would do, i hope i am never in that situation but if they demanded money off me i would pay twice as much for someone to take care of them anything is better than you attitude which only feeds their monster and then it grows

So you would pay for another criminal to sort your problem out and fund more criminal activity. Talk about feeding the monster. How brave you are Freddie. :rolleyes:

But yes, I hope you are never put in that situation too.
Tony Blair hasn't done anything so what's the answer?

If I was in a position facing with a burglar with a knife in his/her hand in my property, what do I do?
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masona said:
Tony Blair hasn't done anything so what's the answer?

If I was in a position facing with a burglar with a knife in his/her hand in my property, what do I do?

That's self defence, not quite the same as paying someone to hunt down and do away with those who just stole your pooch.
Yes I know but what would you do in my position?

Do I take the law into my own hand and remember I'm feeling very frighten at the time.
Looking at both sides I believe you are both right in what you are saying really.

Igorian is correct about the wrong of taking the law into ones own hands and the anarchy that would ensue if we did. Which in an ideal world this opinion would of course be right.

Freddie on the other hand is showing, albiet probably worse than he means, how frustrated the public feel about the indifference shown to them in respect of law and order. There is little doubt that the "hang em high" brigade (such as me) share freddie's viewpoint. Although would ultimately prefer our elected leaders to fund a proper police force out of our extortionate taxation, rather than take direct action.

It would be difficult for anyone to disagree that since the scrapping of capital and corporal punishment the situation has continually spiralled downwards, it is now gathering even more momentum than ever and nothing at all is being done about it. The people who advocate this pussyfooting approach are usually not living in the areas most affected so don't care. When I say this I don't mean the likes of us I mean the establishment and politicians, who survive in a ringfenced environment. They are more concerned about dodgy PC schemes than the reality of life for many people, especially those living in the inner city areas.

This is the type of thing we are now getting and what is upsetting a lot of people and is typical of life in the UK now.

confidentincompetent said:
They would soon realise they made a bad move if they took me jack russell. :LOL: :eek: :mrgreen:
Thing is this happens when travellers are about and police dont wont to upset prescott. Afraid action will only get taken when queens corgi or bliars cat gets napped.

This napping is the perfect type of crime for this scum to get involved in and yet there are countless documented cases of the police sitting on their a***s and doing nothing about it. We could be talking about thieving land, caravans, violent drunken behaviour and fly tipping. All documented in the last few months alone and nothing at all was done because of the mad PC situation we are now in.

Hopefully Thermo will read this and be able tell us just how much does this PC nonsense(all types) restricts decent coppers, trying to do their jobs?
I can see where you are going with this. The use of force would be reasonable if you were in a position to take action, but let's turn it on it's head and ask you what you would do if someone stole your pet?

Just saw the D&J post and I agree, it's a **** world and we need more Police, better punishments etc., I just disagree with the vigilante approach which has even less control. Oh, and with the insults I received from Freddie for disagreeing with his stand.
I have always believed in "an eye for an eye"the scum should be made to suffer the same as their victim.If anyone harmed/threatened my wife/kids/dog I would get the red mist :evil: and then calm down and be rational coz in the heat of the moment it will all come back at you but a lot worse.You cannot lower yourself to their level when your family is at stake.retribution and all that.If you think you can lower yourself they would go soooooooooo low but they have no scruples and are pondlife :evil: if you threatened their family would'nt bother them because they were spat out and hatched by the sun. :evil: :evil: :evil: rant over.
Igorian said:
masona said:
Tony Blair hasn't done anything so what's the answer?

If I was in a position facing with a burglar with a knife in his/her hand in my property, what do I do?

That's self defence, not quite the same as paying someone to hunt down and do away with those who just stole your pooch.

What has been stolen isnt the problem in that respect as theft is theft, but its a combination of crimes hear---mugging---theft---blackmail---animal cruelty and using kids to abet you in your gain, besides the fact that crims have no stooped so low as to use terror tactics against animals.

Am i the only one here who can see how this basically means that anything goes now as far as crims are concerned they actually rule the roost when they can demand an OAP's pension money week after week to safeguard her pet and companion, i know some people would go without food themselves to ensure that nobody harmed their pets.

Perhaps its just me then and Igorian is right.
Igorian you didnt recieve insults from me for disagreeing with me, you recieved what you see as insults because of your stance when a victim is put in a helpless situation
Freddie said:
Igorian you didnt recieve insults from me for disagreeing with me, you recieved what you see as insults because of your stance when a victim is put in a helpless situation

Freddie, look back at my first post in this thread. It was a simple comparison of two things you yourself said. Your reply was

read the posts instead of looking for something to nit pick a******e.

I regard that as an insult, which was not called for. You are complaining about the lack of law and order and I agree with you, it does suck. I do not however agree with the vigilante approach because there would be no control and justice would be taken out of anger or frustration. Potentially, and I know this is extreme, but if this approach became the norm, can you not see the 3 way civil war that would develop between crims, vigilates and the law?

We are all capable of reaction in the heat of the moment, even cowardly me. But, it doesn't make it the right way and it solves nothing. In fact, it would, IMHO, add fuel to the fire.
I've only read the first and fourth pages of this thread, but I think it goes to prove the old stereotype that we Brits love our animals more than our fellow man! :LOL:

The whole article in the Times reminds me of a film about kidnapping in Mexico, wealthy people take out kidnap insurance so if their children are kidnapped they can cover the ransom. Problem is, the criminals know that so now they have so much kidnapping going on. I can picture pet insurance policies that cover kidnapping.

Oh, and if anyone harmed my cats then I would rip their balls off, and then shove their balls up their a**, so the next time they took a dump, they s**t on their balls, and I would have replaced their toilet paper with stinging nettle leaves, so they would sting their bum really badly. And then I would make them eat their balls, so when their wife says "Hey honey, where's your balls?" he would have to say "Sorry dear, i s**t them out, then I ate them." and she wouldn't even kiss him because his mouth would taste of s**t. So he would feel really bad, and probably cry, except he would try to blow his nose on the stinging-nettle leaves, so he would then get stung in his eyes. :evil:

A nice Chrissie pres for the petnapper .. apply vigorously to all limbs and cranium ...
A wondefully recycled xmas tree.

A baseball bat in the bedroom, nah, that is premeditated .. But the old xmas tree has been stripped of foilage ready for the tip -- cannot place in dustbin of course, so every reason to be stored .....
:confused: :confused:
Comes complete with enema kit I see. :LOL:

Apparently the bat would be ok, as long as you have the accompanying ball, hat & glove :D
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