In 2017, with Jeremy Corbyn as leader of the Labour party, it resulted in a hung parliament, and Tories only managed a coalition government with the help of DUP (and a fat lot of good that did them).Serious grown up
Hence your un wavering support for
Jeremy Corbyn
You are in part to blame for all this caper had there been a credible leader voted in by the Labour member ship than they may have got into power
Fair weather friend ?
Still at least they now have a leader who has distanced his party from the “ momentum” fruit cakes and dumped most if not all of the corbinistas
Blimey the party can now even mention the name Tony Blair perhaps they should adopt his policy when he was seeking power
Brown nose the sun ?? Dare one even mention the daily wail
In 2019, it was basically a one policy election: "Get Brexit Done".
Tories have had 3 PMs during Brexit, and look to be needing another one very soon. Labour have had just 2 leaders.
Tories' policies have swung hither and thither, just as Labour's policies have, that's normal.