Excellent understanding of Positive Discrimination....ooops sorry Positive Action, except that it is not only limited to ethnicity or race. Gender, religion, even sexuality or disability can be the reason for Positive Action.Corrected Version
I have learn't that ethnicity can be a preferred attribute and can legally be used as the deciding factor when choosing between two 'equals' when one equal doesn't have the preferred attribute, although in simplistic terms this is blatant racial discrimination it is not a bad thing because the ultimate aim is to achieve equal representation and, as an organisation has expressed a desire to achieve equal representation, this is ok.
Accepted.Obviously the candidate without the preferred attribute could feel negatively discriminated against
Is this your argument against Positive Action?however in reality they should feel good because they have been sacrificed on the alter of progression and because some people may think that they are racially prejudiced if they complain, so... probably best keep schtum.
I've already given my reasons for not supporting discriminatory practises, I'm sure you don't want me to repeat myself, and, as currently I am more likely to be a member of a majority group why would I support potential discrimination against myself/my group/people sharing similar attributes?
Now the "words" are Positive Action not Discimination because any discrimination is not legal.I think the general rule of thumb here is that if you discriminate against the majority on grounds of ethnicity then this is good racial discrimination, conversely, discrimination in favour of a majority is bad racial discrimination.
Additionally, it is not limited to ethnicity, see above.
Only in that all discrimination has been declared illegal.I must admit I find this slightly counter intuitive as I was always led to believe that discrimination was a bad thing but obviously things change!
It would appear that if a policy is labelled as discriminatory it is illegal, however, the same policy with a different name is quite legal.
I hope I've clarified where necessary.Is my understanding correct?
Yes, thank you.