Positive Discrimination - Positive Action

Good point Wobs!

What hasn't been mentioned yet, (I think), is what it's known by elsewhere; Affirmative Action. More play on words for discrimination?
Ruled illegal by EHRC.
So any futher criticism, discussion or consideration of Affirmitive Action is "thread extending"

The link here has more information you can shake a stick at. And the criticism part is very telling.

"Opponents of affirmative action such as George Sher believe that affirmative action devalues the accomplishments of people who are chosen based on the social group to which they belong rather than their qualifications, thus rendering affirmative action counterproductive.[78] Opponents,[79] who sometimes say that affirmative action is "reverse discrimination", further claim that affirmative action has undesirable side-effects in addition to failing to achieve its goals. They argue that it hinders reconciliation, replaces old wrongs with new wrongs, undermines the achievements of minorities, and encourages individuals to identify themselves as disadvantaged, even if they are not. It may increase racial tension and benefit the more privileged people within minority groups at the expense of the least fortunate within majority groups (such as lower-class whites)."
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The link here has more information you can shake a stick at. And the criticism part is very telling.

Yes. As long as positive discrimination
Positive Discrimination is illegal, don't ya know?
continues there will always be accusations of tokenism imposed on 'minority persons' who are seen to be in positions of authority or advantage.

This is something that I am sure such people despise, but the damage has already been done by the 'equality brigade', who are obviously too naive and stupid for words.

When I was at college they would, every year, wheel out a black headmaster just to prove that black people could achieve such a position. A good friend of mine - a black lady - was furious at this and told me that she felt patronised.
At my primary school they would wheel out a fat man, dressed in red with a white beard.
I made no such asumptions about the motivation. :rolleyes:

[If they wanted true equality, the idea of positive discrimination should never have been thought of, let alone instigated. Too late now, I'm afraid; rightly or wrongly, the possibility of tokenism will inevitably cross people's minds.
Whta's your suggested method of achieving equality?
Artificial mechanisms to force change are never a good idea, it's like the last Labour government's attempt to push multi-culturalism, has it worked?

Little by little, given time, things change and equilibrium is achieved, artificially forcing things one way or another just generates opposing forces that leads to unhappiness on both sides of the equation.
So do you think that women would have been emancipated, if we let nature run it's course. Or do you think that men would have persisited with the status quo?
Do you think that apartheid would have ceased in South Africa without due influence, civil disobedience and violence?
Do you think that segregation would have "died out" in USA without protest marches and riots?
Etc, etc, etc.

Get a grip.

As I said previously, change comes from future generations who will grow up in and into a different world, we need to let that happen instead of trying to engineer things into how 'some' people think they should be already.
Prejudice is taught at home.
Sometimes, some of us are born into an intelligent family life and are taught that prejudice is dangerous and destructive.

Others, and probably not in the case of the majority of the recent posters on this thread, grow up to realise, or learn from experience that prejudice is divisive and damaging.

Unfortunately, intelligence is no measure of common sense.
And baseless and unjustifiable prejudice is a reflection of the intelligence of the person.
The BBC fits nicely into the positive discrimination category. Just watch the local news programmes or morning programmes. News items such as children learning computers at school, directing a play, singing etc - black.

News stories such as people on benefits, getting drunk, crime etc - white.
I'm sure the BBC are not practising Positive Discrimination. I think you're mistaken.

That's it! Now I KNOW you are a troll.
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Artificial mechanisms to force change are never a good idea, it's like the last Labour government's attempt to push multi-culturalism, has it worked?

Little by little, given time, things change and equilibrium is achieved, artificially forcing things one way or another just generates opposing forces that leads to unhappiness on both sides of the equation.
So do you think that women would have been emancipated, if we let nature run it's course. Or do you think that men would have persisited with the status quo?
Do you think that apartheid would have ceased in South Africa without due influence, civil disobedience and violence?
Do you think that segregation would have "died out" in USA without protest marches and riots?
Etc, etc, etc.

Get a grip.

These changes weren't bought about via artificial mechanisms they came via the voices and sacrifices of those involved, they made their voices heard, voices that would have been wasted on earlier generations.

As I said previously, change comes from future generations who will grow up in and into a different world, we need to let that happen instead of trying to engineer things into how 'some' people think they should be already.
Prejudice is taught at home.
Sometimes, some of us are born into an intelligent family life and are taught that prejudice is dangerous and destructive.

Ironic given your previously stated support for discriminatory practices.

Others, and probably not in the case of the majority of the recent posters on this thread, grow up to realise, or learn from experience that prejudice is divisive and damaging.

Unfortunately, intelligence is no measure of common sense.
And baseless and unjustifiable prejudice is a reflection of the intelligence of the person.

Just because people disagree with you it doesn't mean you need to resort to insults, as Master Yoda once said "A tit, you are". :rolleyes:
These changes weren't bought about via artificial mechanisms they came via the voices and sacrifices of those involved, they made their voices heard, voices that would have been wasted on earlier generations.
They were responses of the government of the day enacting or repealing laws and regulations, in response to public presuure, as is the EHRC.

[ Ironic given your previously stated support for discriminatory practices.
Positive Action is legal and any sort of discrimination is illegal. Now don't go off on another circuitous argument, just 'cos you're having difficulty with definitions, see below:
Prejudice: Preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience: http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/prejudice[/QUOTE]
You'll be accusing me of that next. :rolleyes: Get a grip.

Just because people disagree with you it doesn't mean you need to resort to insults, as Master Yoda once said "Tit, you are". :rolleyes:
If the cap fits. :rolleyes:
Do you think that apartheid would have ceased in South Africa without due influence, civil disobedience and violence?

Well that's gonna please the pacifists. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
If you were living under an abhorrent regime, what would you do?

I'd start looting shops, taking home brand new electrical goods as my trophy of a damn good protest. :rolleyes:

They'll be a peaceful protest about the shocking price of Buns next. Guess what.... more telly's go missing. :LOL: :LOL:
These changes weren't bought about via artificial mechanisms they came via the voices and sacrifices of those involved, they made their voices heard, voices that would have been wasted on earlier generations.
They were responses of the government of the day enacting or repealing laws and regulations, in response to public presuure, as is the EHRC.
Public pressure is not the same as lefty thinktanks.

[ Ironic given your previously stated support for discriminatory practices.
Positive Action is legal and any sort of discrimination is illegal. Now don't go off on another circuitous argument, just 'cos you're having difficulty with definitions, see below:
Prejudice: Preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience: http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/prejudice[/QUOTE]
You'll be accusing me of that next. :rolleyes: Get a grip.

My experience of leftists is that they're all t1ts, see I'm not prejudiced either!

Just because people disagree with you it doesn't mean you need to resort to insults, as Master Yoda once said "Tit, you are". :rolleyes:
If the cap fits. :rolleyes:

Lend us it, I'll let you know :LOL: :LOL: <You know what's going on here don't you?>
Public pressure is not the same as lefty thinktanks.
Don't believe all you read. :rolleyes:

My experience of leftists is that they're all t1ts, see I'm not prejudiced either!
Just obnoxious.
Please describe a "leftist", so I might recognise one, if they exist.

Lend us it,
You may as well invest in one. I suspect you'll use it often enough.

Lets get one thing straight RH, you started with the condescension and insults (look back through the thread if you think I'm lying), personally it's not my style... now we can draw a line under it if you like or carry on in the same vein 'tis up to you?
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