It's perfectly simple. Think of it like apples.
Golder Delicious are illegal whereas Granny Smiths are not despite both being apples.
What you have to accept we think about though Rogue, in this analogy, we just don't like either type of apple.
We consider them both to be full of worms and not addressing the core problem. We think PA is still taking the pith. ("Replacing an old wrong for a new wrong").
Even though it's considered expert opinion that apples are good for your health? Not just your health but the same applies to everyone, which in turn, reduces the NHS bill, etc, etc, etc.
Think of it like that and it's difficult to deny the benefits of Granny Smiths aka PA.
Another simple analogy along the "apple" direction; the curent state of the apple trees are considered diseased, although still providing some apples, and liable to infect other species of trees. So the government and other authorities try to persuade the commercial growers to plant new, more disease-resistant trees.
You, in your wisdom, choose to ignore that advice, prefering instead the old trees that you're familiar with because you don't understand, are frightened of, or suspicious of any new trees.
Or you might say, we don't like apples therefore we don't care if all the apple trees die, we won't miss the apples.
What about the rest of the population that do like apples? Should they be so disadvantaged? Or do you take the liberalist attitude and say, "let them plant their own, if that's what they want. We don't want them, therefore they shouldn't be grown on a commercial scale!"