Profit at any cost?

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He ought to go into business with that bloke selling the dodgy kitchens.
He has refused since that date to say where that money has gone,” Mr Mayo said. But police searching his premises found two books on money-laundering

if they did, i wonder where it would go. mostly 'unpaid VAT'? i wonder
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'ruthless computer conman'
indeed ,

a typical script kiddie, he HAD the nic as BlAcK_KnIGhT at a Black hat Forum I visit , he was another walter mitty ,he craved the adoration of that community ,
an learnt lil enough to do these scams ,

the thing that always brings these "silly lil lads " down is there very overblown Egos darwinism ,lol
He HAD the ability too syphon money away an disappear but ,OH NO

he went to the forum an was happy to email/pm members about all his ill gotten gains ,an EXPECTED MUSCHOS KUDOS ...which was like The Kiss Of Death on a open forum ...

as all these sites are monitored by Lea/police ,either by log retrieval , or Trusted nics being hijacked by a copper ...

Most black hat guys upto these scams work/forums on secure Russian /Chinese servers , an its password protected by certain measures ...

So for this BlAcK_KnIGhT he was caught easy enough ,

an btw just cause the court say he had "Stolen" Ex ammount of money

doesnt mean Its REAL WORLD MONEY til its in your grubby mitts ,
an foldable ...

an even then the plod here have that covered by the banks on large Withdrawels like that , ..
now if he was in France say , well he might of got away with it minus the forum ego ..,

funny quotes in the article ...

"he allegedly threatened to attack the economy at a cost to business of millions of pounds an hour by programming robot computers to crash Britain’s internet system. " yeah right

"The voice, sneering and high-pitched" it will squeal more in nick ,lol

"He had told one police switchboard operator that he hoped she died of cancer, which was particularly distressing, the jury was told, since she had had the disease diagnosed. " you just couldnt be soooooo unlucky to say that to her could you

"Although his business was run from a bedroom, his website had included pictures of Canary Wharf, East London, with the invitation to “take a tour of our state-of-the-art” data centre. “A far cry,” Mr Mayo suggested, “from a terrace house in St Neots.” says it all really ,Im sure the big organised crime firms doing this are quaking in their boots lol

"One customer paid £5,780 to register a long list of addresses. The defendant accepted payment for offensive names such as f***theeu although they would never be allowed, it was alleged" some people need protecting from themselves

"After his first arrest, he allegedly sent a spam e-mail giving the telephone number of the Chief Constable of Cambridgeshire, resulting in thousands of callers jamming the police switchboard. Another time, he threatened to plant a car bomb at the force headquarters. He then withdrew £250,000 in cash, mostly £50 notes, from a building society account and either hid or spent it. "
you cannot knock the lad for trying ...

“I’m going to make sure you never answer another phone again as long as you live.
My name is Peter Francis-Macrae. I am your worst nightmare.”

too trading standards who he must of thought wouldnt pass his name on to the polce as he left them this ...
"“Why don’t you slit your throat and make us all happy? Go on, do it.
Get a knife.”

....DOH!!!!!!!!!!! .LOL LOL LOL
an they say script kiddies are intelligent