Profits fall...What a shame!

fact is why would any car manufacturer want to build cars in the UK any way ? The UK is or is becoming an antii car market what with all this green caper.
[SARCASM]Yup, and it's the only one in the world - we're really out on a limb, no other countries have such concerns, or any push for EVs, do they.[/SARCASM] (Tags added for the benefit of the hard-of-thinking)

All those green hypocrits whingeing about the demise of car manufacturing in the UK what do the dck eads expect .
How about the manufacture of EVs, batteries, charging infrastructure?
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[SARCASM]Yup, and it's the only one in the world - we're really out on a limb, no other countries have such concerns, or any push for EVs, do they.[/SARCASM] (Tags added for the benefit of the hard-of-thinking)

How about the manufacture of EVs, batteries, charging infrastructure?

Best u set an example than :LOL:
[SARCASM]Yup, and it's the only one in the world - we're really out on a limb, no other countries have such concerns, or any push for EVs, do they.[/SARCASM] (Tags added for the benefit of the hard-of-thinking)

How about the manufacture of EVs, batteries, charging infrastructure?
My brother was driving an electric vehicle for years before it became fashionable.
It was called a milk float back then.
Best u set an example than :LOL:
So you asked what did "green hypocrits whingeing about the demise of car manufacturing in the UK" expect, and I suggested they might expect the manufacture of "green" car stuff, like EVs, batteries etc.

As I've never given you any reason to think that I'm a car manufacturer, it's hard to think of any response to you saying "Best u set an example than" other than "you aren't very good at this, are you".
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So you asked what did "green hypocrits whingeing about the demise of car manufacturing in the UK" expect, and I suggested they might expect the manufacture of "green" car stuff, like EVs, batteries etc.

As I've never given you any reason to think that I'm a car manufacturer, it's hard to think of any response to you saying "Best u set an example than" other than "you aren't very good at this, are you".

not very good at this are you :LOL: stop flapping yer chops :LOL: put yer money were yer mouth is and buy a leccy car

then u can stop being a scum bag :LOL::LOL::LOL: and set an example to the younger generation
OK - I'll try one more time, in the faint hope that you can't really be as egregiously bad at this as you are appearing to be right now.

I have made absolutely no comments whatsoever on whether the UK is, or is not, becoming anti-car, nor have I ever posted anything that even a "dck ead" could claim made me a "green hypocrite whingeing about the demise of car manufacturing in the UK".

So when you asked what such people expected wrt car manufacturing in the UK, I suggested that maybe they expected the manufacture of EVs, batteries, charging infrastructure.

So not me expecting that, them.

Which makes your "Best u set an example than" the reply of a complete tw@ who really is very very bad at this.
OK - I'll try one more time, in the faint hope that you can't really be as egregiously bad at this as you are appearing to be right now.

I have made absolutely no comments whatsoever on whether the UK is, or is not, becoming anti-car, nor have I ever posted anything that even a "dck ead" could claim made me a "green hypocrite whingeing about the demise of car manufacturing in the UK".

So when you asked what such people expected wrt car manufacturing in the UK, I suggested that maybe they expected the manufacture of EVs, batteries, charging infrastructure.

So not me expecting that, them.

Which makes your "Best u set an example than" the reply of a complete tw@ who really is very very bad at this.

in it fair one trys to be civil to a fellow poster and one gets abuse for it :eek: :eek: thats what is wrong with this country civility has gone down the toilet :eek:

But there is hope :cool: Transam sets an example of civility , decency, politeness, and all round decent behaviour :cool: to all :cool:

Transam is an example to all :cool: as I dare say many have noticed ;)

No answer then; just ideology, and spite.
It appears that (more than slightly dim) Tim is up to his usual tricks...

Promising beer prices will drop after Brexit...

If that's the case, I'm looking forward to the boozers going bankrupt!

Oh, and he thinks that Russia and China will soon become democratic nations...

What a muppet!
How's the latest 'spoons figures looking? Not doing too bad after Brexit and the pandemic are they. Someone’s doing something right. Brexit bonus for Tim and all his employees.. :ROFLMAO:

How's the latest 'spoons figures looking? Not doing too bad after Brexit and the pandemic are they. Someone’s doing something right. Brexit bonus for Tim and all his employees.. :ROFLMAO:

Credit where it is due. I don't mind a Wevvies. I don't go to one if I need a proper boozer fix though.

WETHERSPOONS is reporting record profits after attracting customers struggling with the cost of living. Here’s how to convince yourself it’s a great place to drink:

They sell craft beer

Wetherspoons used to only sell **** like Fosters and farty real ale such as Ruddles, but now they’ve got craft beers including Brewdog’s Punk IPA on tap. Which is essentially **** for hipsters, but at least it allows you to feel slightly less like a borderline alcoholic who’ll drink anything if it costs less than four quid.

They’re saving architectural gems
The old cinema in the town centre looked set for demolition after bingo went out of fashion, but Wetherspoons stepped in and saved it. Okay, so they gutted the inside and filled it with horrible carpets, crappy furniture and a collection of the area’s most underemployed, frightening residents, but it still allows you to pretend you’re there for the architecture rather than the £3.59 fry up.

No music is actually a good thing

People deride Wetherspoons pubs for being big, soulless barns with zero atmosphere, but the silence is actually quite zen. Buddhists and mindfulness types pay good money to be able to sit in quiet, meditative spaces for long periods. Yeah, they don’t usually have to put up with a strange bloke called Derek having occasional loud rants about bloody immigrants, but it’s basically the same spiritual journey of self-discovery.

That prick Tim Martin has learnt his lesson
Look, we all know Tim Martin is a bellend who shafted his staff during Covid, but he’s been shat on by Brexit, which he helped promote and must have learned his lesson by now, so you don’t see the need to boycott his pubs anymore. No, don’t mention he’s still in a typical Brexiter state of denial that leaving the EU has f**ked the economy. Shh. Stop talking.

Look, it’s f**king cheap, alright?
Okay, fine, we admit your local Wetherspoons is a miserable hellhole full of bad food, worse drinks and depressed people. But you can get hammered for less than £20 there, which you can’t do anywhere else except at home. So you’re going to keep coming. Who fancies a quick pint or nine?
That prick Tim Martin has learnt his lesson
Look, we all know Tim Martin is a bellend who shafted his staff during Covid, but he’s been shat on by Brexit, which he helped promote and must have learned his lesson by now, so you don’t see the need to boycott his pubs anymore. No, don’t mention he’s still in a typical Brexiter state of denial that leaving the EU has f**ked the economy. Shh. Stop talking.
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