Profits fall...What a shame!

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Apart perhaps from the ones he had to sell off cheap to raise cash.
I can remember Wetherspoons having Spitfire for £1.25 a pint
Yorkshire (I think it was called that). bitter 69p a pint and that was central London - them was the days (uni days). But for a long time spoons had beer under £2
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Apart perhaps from the ones he had to sell off cheap to raise cash.

He's quite ruthless in that if they don't turn a profit, they go, which makes sense business wise. They closed the Bodmin one recently, I'd not used it but the wife had a meal there with work colleagues. Even before the several loss making years they ditched the poorly performing ones.

Covid hit them hard but good to see a great British company do well and bounce back.

Well, it is for me at least, clearly you're harbouring some bizarre resentment about it.
old thread possibly revived through spam
but off course new content quite relevant in it own way
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Mottie, you mean.
more a 4 year old thread re appears through notification but no actual content posted that links old to new content suggest a spam post now removed is the link that caused the reactivation off this post but now removed so makes no actual sense but new posts now have there own value as a new discussion vaguely similar to original thread :giggle:
more a 4 year old thread re appears through notification but no actual content posted that links old to new content suggest a spam post now removed is the link that caused the reactivation off this post but now removed so makes no actual sense but new posts now have there own value as a new discussion vaguely similar to original thread :giggle:

I've read that three times and still none the wiser.
Mottie, you mean.
You’ve never liked factual news items that show people getting on with things and thriving when failure has been predicted due to Brexit, have you? In fact, I can’t remember you posting any good news or starting any good news threads about the U.K. ever. Feel free to prove me wrong.
old thread possibly revived through spam
but off course new content quite relevant in it own way
Read the very first post in this thread and try to understand the glee from the OP that a UK business failure and job losses because of Brexit were on the cards and were giving him so much pleasure and ask yourself what is wrong with that person. As soon as I saw the latest story on the news, it reminded me of this spiteful and twisted thread and I could imagine the OP being disappointed to say the least. Still, what else can you expect from someone who admits to hating his father just because he voted differently to him in the referendum. Brexit failure is everything to this poster along with a few others on this forum. Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face….
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