Putin, arse, elbow

Nato special forces training going on in Latvia

in particular medical special forces

the problem that they are facing is how to get casualties ( wounded)
Off of a battle field if you do not have total command of the air

that is what they are having to deal with hence the training of having to do more complicated medical procedures on site or at the front so as wounded can survive potential long road trips to a medical centre ????

BBC were given permission to interview and be at the location of the training talking to special forces doctors
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Bring it on, he's an invading war criminal who should be taught a lesson, whatever it takes.

I just hope their attempt at an economic war doesn't work out but if he really looses in Ukraine that may not matter so much.
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The worthy commentators are now wondering what the players' "would settle for" endgames will be. Zelensky has been equivocal, talking about pushing the Russians out of Ukraine to pre-Crimean invasion borders, at the same time as making concessionary noises when talks were mentioned.
Washington - they'll want to see Russia get a bloody nose and a better armed Europe, but will they want to push Russia hard. That could provoke a nuclear reaction, so the guessers say no.
Putin - perhaps he'll want to settle on rigged elections in Ukraine. Nobody sees him having a "general mobilization" to get enough forces to push all the way to Moldova.
So why be pedantic. Pointless comment and Putin will make use of it if he can and nothing can done about that by you me or any one else at the moment.
Why? Because:

More NATO moving in gives Putin more Miss Info to use.

NATO is not moving in anywhere - that is the same guff being spouted by Putin, effectively that NATO is encroaching on territory that is rightfully Russia's. Funny that most of Eastern Europe detest the beady-eyed little monster and don't want him or his cronies running their country, isn't it? It's Russia's behaviour towards its' "vassal states" between 1945 and 1990 which gave almost all of Eastern Europe the impetus they needed to join NATO. They wanted to join because they never wanted to be subjugate to a corrupt, dictatorial regime like that ever again. You know, I'm constantly left with the impression that you are either being apologetic for the behaviour of the Russians or are worried/scared by them. I'm old enough to have lived and worked in West Germany at a time of high tension and whilst I have a healthy respect for how destructive the Russian army can be, they never have had an intelligent or organised military and they only succeeded in doing what they did in WWII by throwing away the lives of millions of their own citizens. I see little difference in how they are behaving now

I don't particularly want a WWIII - it's the maniac in the Kremlin who is talking that up, not NATO
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Why? Because:

NATO is not moving in anywhere - that is the same guff being spouted by Putin, effectively that NATO is encroaching on territory that is rightfully Russia's. Funny that most of Eastern Europe detest the beady-eyed little monster and don't want him or his croinies running their country, isn't it? It's Russia's behaviour towards its' "vassal states" between 1945 and 1990 which gave almost all of Eastern Europe the impetus they needed to join NATO. They wanted to join because they never wanted to be subjugate to a corrupt, dictatorial regime like that ever again. You know, I'm constantly left with the impression that you are either being apologetic for the behaviour of the Russians or are worried/scared by them. I'm old enough to have lived and worked in West Germany at a time of high tension and whilst I have a healthy respect for how destructive the Russian army can be, they never have had an intelligent or organised military and they only succeeded in doing what they did in WWII by throwing away the lives of millions of their own citizens. I see little difference in how they are behaving now

I don't particularly want a WWIII - but it's the maniac in the Kremlin who is talking that up, noit NATO

I see those comments as not supporting, but about pointing out what will annoy Pootin, and being aware of it, and wondering if that will unnecessarily antagonize the situation.
We shall all say he doesn't have any right to be annoyed, but that's irrelevant!

Pootin has some pious old imperialist ideas about Russia's place in the world. His country's GDP is between that of Italy and Spain, which is unimpressive for a country that size with all those people and resources, so he got himself a load of rockets. Like a bigger version of the bloke in North Korea, with a long table to make himself feel important. He's a dangerous little man.
In a recent poll ?? 75% of Russians thought stalin was a stand up bloke

pretty much sums up the Russians

Fruit cakes
Russia is one of the biggest arms exporters in the world

wether one likes it or not a war is probably to an extent ?? A testing ground ? Or show case for your military hard ware ?

Turkish orders for there home built drones have gone up ?

This war has not done the reputation of a lot of this Russian kit a lot of good

hardly an advert to potential buyers ??? :idea:
Report on the news is that the Russian offensive is grinding to a halt

they cannot replace the staggering
? Amount of equipment they have lost fast enough

troop moral is at a low and they don’t have the numbers to replace there losses

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