Rape gangs. Why does the Home Office minister not want a national public enquiry?

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Nosey has pointed out that vast majority of CSE “gangs” were white males. The thread is therefore stirring up anti musslim hatred as a whole. Musck’s twisted propaganda is working. Maybe the brexxers want a 51st State and a President.
These divisive followers (the leaders being musk, Farage and others) can't even see they are being led.

They think they are the ones exposing a problem.

It's been exposed, the reports from the enquiries are there. Stop trying to delay things and get on with it !
Nosey has pointed out that vast majority of CSE “gangs” were white males. The thread is therefore stirring up anti musslim hatred as a whole. Musck’s twisted propaganda is working. Maybe the brexxers want a 51st State and a President.
You've given a really good solid reason for us to come out of the ECHR in imho.

I think it would be a good idea to drop the HRA too and have a different piece of legislation drawn up.
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You've given a really good solid reason for us to come out of the ECHR in imho.
One minute you are saying we have a tyrannical government.

The next minute we should leave a court of human rights that gives us citizens protection against our government.

You obviously spend your life in right wing echo chambers full of conspiracy theories.
You've given a really good solid reason for us to come out of the ECHR in imho.

I think it would be a good idea to drop the HRA too and have a different piece of legislation drawn up.
Do you really think British courts would allow legislation that said, for example, it is completely legal to discriminate in any form against homos sexuals?

You are cluless about the way the unwritten constitution works.
Jonathan Pie hits the nail on the head.
C**t brexers and their faux concerns about sovereignty, whilst simultaneously inviting a foreign billionaire to radically change British politics. With the same c***s not giving a flying fig about the victims of abuse.

He summed them up beautifully.
Do you really think British courts would allow legislation that said, for example, it is completely legal to discriminate in any form against homos sexuals?

You are cluless about the way the unwritten constitution works.
A new piece of legislation can be made to protect homesexuals.
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