Rape gangs. Why does the Home Office minister not want a national public enquiry?

If you wanted the thread go be about that…..you put it in the title and the opening post.
Mottie just wants to bash Muslims, he's hardly keeping it secret. Biking from the boatyard just tells lies then refuses to believe his own links.

Arguing with the RWR is like shooting fish in a barrel, the poor old duffers.
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The entire caper was swept under the carpet

Due to the race card and the victims thrown under the bus

No surprise tbh
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do you have reason to think it is not true?
The trolling disingenuous liar tried that, by posting a link sarcastically and inferring, that those suggesting gang organised CSE was a majority white British male issue, were idiots or trolls or stupid or some such.

Have a guess what biking form the boatyards' linked report actually said....

"...Research has found that group-based CSE offenders are most commonly White...."

You can read it (bikings link below) yourself on page 7...
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Why didn't you say so earlier?
Racist trolls wish to keep the pot boiling...

Whilst ignoring the fact that the majority of the abuses are carried out by members of their own 'race'...

But then the truth is as always a tad inconvenient for those like the OP ;)
You’re asking this on the 671st post? It’s in the link I referred to in post #1.

The link says Kimi Badenoch is calling for a national inquiry into all rape gangs. She doesn't seem to specify that is it only for "asian rape gangs who target white girls where there has been a failure to investigate because of nervousness about race". At some point in the 671 posts you seem to have added those requirements.
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