Russell Brand.

Can of worms that BBC with their diverse policies. You kinda reap what you sow.
It's that 'nonsense' that got him into the position he is in today. Do you think those whose toes he's trod on give a stuff about his sexual escapades but they'll certainly be happy with this outcome.
Its the "matrix" that helped him.

Who are they? Or we could just add it to the list?
I think you might be onto something, if there's no truth behind any conspiracy theories then there would be no toes to tread on. Good work Sherlock.
Must be all about the sex then.
I think you might be onto something, if there's no truth behind any conspiracy theories then there would be no toes to tread on.
You are missing the point completely. If you think there is more to things then you could explain why, but you never explain why you think what you do, ever.

If you can't explain anything then don't expect others to simply believe you.
Steady on, a sense of humour is frowned on on here, carman sticks religiously to that rule as you no doubt aware.
Personal attack rather than supporting your comments?

Are you unable to support then? It's the usual reason.
Said on the news there are a 1000 plod officers suspended
Under investigation or taken off of certain duties due to mis behaviour ??
It was interesting watching Katherine Ryan being interviewed by Louis Theroux recently. She mentioned calling someone out (to their face) for being a sexual predator I think during the recording of a tv panel show or something. The recording was stopped and obviously those bits didn't make the edit. According to Katherine, it is an open secret in their industry about this 'major name', however she doesn't want to mention them by name because of the possible legal consequences. As she said 'I have a mortgage that needs paid.' So, if true, that could be another Weinstein in the making and it might all come out years from now.

Very prescient.

As an aside. I've often wondered when they do these live recordings with an audience, which then need to be edited, because they are potentially slanderous. The accusations haven't been broadcast, but the audience have heard them. Is there any legal jeopardy there, either for the individual or the broadcaster/production company?
Can of worms that BBC with their diverse policies. You kinda reap what you sow.
Much of it doesn't look good for him e.g. sending a car to pick up a 16 year old girl. Ok not illegal but ...

And on Newsnight last night they read out a small extract from his 2010 autobiography where he essentially said along the lines of 'if you think anything I've mentioned in here about my interactions with women is 'out there', just think about the stuff I didn't include.'

Yes there's the legal side, however there's also the moral side.
Old Russell could be on a proverbial sticky wicket if these women make an official complaint to the police .
I believe some of the complainants are American.
There are disturbing parallels between Russell Brands case and American actor Danny Masterson's case.
Masterson got 30 years to life for raping woman 20 years ago.

Old Russell could be on a proverbial sticky wicket if these women make an official complaint to the police .
I believe some of the complainants are American.
There are disturbing parallels between Russell Brands case and American actor Danny Masterson's case.
Masterson got 30 years to life for raping woman 20 years ago.

I don't think they filed a complaint at the time despite being given the opportunity and America has a statute of limitations even for serious offences, |i believe, otherwise if extradited and case proved he is away for ever.

There is an issue over the fairness of trial by media, but he presumably has the resources to sue for defamation, and defend criminal proceedings if they are brought.

Sad that the usual suspect conspiracy theorists are feeding off this. Do they have a life? Can they be sued by the victims too?

Marxism taking over. Brand has a huge following, criticises vaccines and lots of other things, sense of humour ... basically he talks openly just like we all did in the old days before evil awoke.
Just look at some jumpers yesterday it seems half the men in the country are black ....
Anybody who thinks they are not being replaced is sorely mistaken.
Meanwhile all those "series" that people been watching .... what family Christian messages they been teaching everybody?
Cynicism, vigilante-ism, tattooism, mass hatred .... that's the education people receive these days.
When society collapses its not abstract, it means about 2/3rds the people no longer.
Daytime running lights is the worst thing, of course. It's just insulting.