Sage coffee machine

  • Thread starter Deleted member 294929
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Best coffee ever this morning. Mrs filly thinks I'm a genius for the skimmed milk suggestion. :unsure:
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I stopped putting milk in coffee years ago. Hard to keep cool in t'foundry. A level t-spoon of coffeemate works for me.(y)
I pay someone to grind my beans to just the right texture and then have them pack just the right amount into a little aluminium capsule which I just pop into my machine which then forces hot water at just the right temperature through it to produce the perfect cup of Joe.Takes me just 2.5 seconds to get the contents into my coffee machine. No need for a week off work to get that right. No mess, no waste. ;)
I think pod machines make quite drinkable coffee and are a decent compromise - they ate very convenient.

I use 2 pods to make a latte and steam milk on a Dualit Cino
I pay someone to grind my beans to just the right texture and then have them pack just the right amount into a little aluminium capsule which I just pop into my machine which then forces hot water at just the right temperature through it to produce the perfect cup of Joe.Takes me just 2.5 seconds to get the contents into my coffee machine. No need for a week off work to get that right. No mess, no waste. ;)
It's my birthday and half term for the girls.

I also have a hobby. It's my only hobby
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Many coffee pods are ....

...drum roll....

...instant coffee!

The machine is just frothing up nescafe and coffee mate. And generating ridiculous amounts of waste in the process.
Those capsules only hold 5 grams. The genuine Dolce Gusto that I buy hold 8 grams, which is quite a bit more, about 60%.
I always looks at how much they contain before I buy them as, all of the other brands only have 5 or 6 grams in them.
Many coffee pods are ....

...drum roll....

...instant coffee!
Cobblers! They all have proper ground coffee in them. If they had instant coffee in them, it would completely dissolve, just like instant coffee does in a cup. You need to understand exactly what 'instant' coffee actually is before telling us thats what’s in coffee capsules. Here you go: coffee pods give you,a granular or powdery form.
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4 in the morning?, we're not ******* postmen.
Perhaps Bod's got two jobs……

Cobblers! They all have proper ground coffee in them. If they had instant coffee in them, it would completely dissolve, just like instant coffee does in a cup. You need to understand exactly what 'instant' coffee actually is before telling us thats what’s in coffee capsules. Here you go: coffee pods give you,a granular or powdery form.
You could find out by actually watching the vid yourself. But as you clearly can't be arsed I'll summarise...

Black coffee, e.g. espresso = ground
Milky/frothy/latte/capuccino/whatever = instant

I'd guess it's just not possible to combine chemical creamer powder with ground, the fineness of filter needed for ground coffee would clog with the lard and candlewax they make creamer out of. So there's no filter, basically a swirly mixing thing, with instant coffee and soap powder or whatever the pretend milk is.
Milky/frothy/latte/capuccino/whatever = instant
Very few actually. The Dolce Gusto cafe au lait, cortado and flat white single pods of pre blended milk based coffee's have soluble coffee and milk powder. The others (cappuccino, latte/whatever) are two pod setups. One pod of proper coffee, one of powdered milk.

Certainly not;
Many coffee pods

As far as I know, the Nespresso pods are all just pure ground coffee. Milk, if required has to be added separately whether it be full fat, semi, skimmed, cold, hot or frothy
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Whatever, they're solving a problem that doesn't exist and should be banned for being ridiculously wasteful.

It's the printer/razor blade model. Give the machine away for next to nothing, fleece the mug punters for the consumables. A very expensive and wasteful way to make coffee.

There's nothing at all difficult about putting a scoop of ground coffee into a brew head. Loads make out it's some kind of artform, which is just rubbish, and feeds the idea that these pod machines are somehow solving any kind of problem.

Coffee nerds don't need to draw a picture of a nob on top of the milk, everyone already knows that's what they are.
There's nothing at all difficult about putting a scoop of ground coffee into a brew head. Loads make out it's some kind of artform, which is just rubbish, and feeds the idea that these pod machines are somehow solving any kind of problem.

I won't be having talk like that.

These are the sort of "jobs" we're meant to be growing the economy with ;)
I remember a sitcom, can't remember what it was. One of the lads was in trouble with the law, was glad to hear that another of the lads was a barrister.

Turned out he was a barista.
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