Sage coffee machine

  • Thread starter Deleted member 294929
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My machine is coming today. Its my birthday tomorrow I'm not sure I can wait to unpack.

Once it's steaming away I'll be hoping for a creamy stiff head.

Go on youtube first. You need to acquire a few skills before attempting that first cup.
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I think your right. I have had a dug around you tube, and will do more.
steaming milk, the key is get the wand at the right height, you want it a bit angled and just in the milk so it’s catching a bit of air and forcing into the milk.

the sound of tearing paper is what you want….that creates micro foam and stretched the milk
If the wand is too far out, you will get gurgling sound and end up with loads of large bubbles

this is critical part is the steam needs to stretch the milk which changes it making it sweet

once it starts getting fairly warm plunge the wand in a bit further to distribute the foam through the milk - once it’s almost too hot to hold in your hand it’s at the right temp.
If it stops frothing then pull the outer cover off, check that the tiny hole near the top of it is clear. If this gets blocked then it merely steam heats instead of froths, it requires this air path for some mysterious reason involving physics.

This hole can get blocked despite rinsing it every time it's used.
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There it is. Now step by step YouTube ‍♂️
Looks out of place in your kitchen. Shouldn’t it still have all the wrapping and stickers on it? ;)
Nice. Now pop down the shops for some skimmed milk. (y)

I need to get the extraction, the grind right first.

Bought some cheap beans from Lidl that don't seem too bad.

Will practice semi skimmed milk tonight.

Making progress.
Don't worry about tye kitchen it's a working progress. The 's go in all directions.
Hmm, maybe that's the correct one and the rest are wrong....

Either way my OCD would need it sorted in double quick time.
Once the splash backs are on the walls the protection will come off. and a bit of painting before they do.
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